Bibliografía básica Haywood, Eliza (2000). Fragments of Love in Excess, or The Fatal Enquiry. Hertfordshire, Canada: Broadview
Sheridan, Frances (1995). Fragments of Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph. Oxford: OUP
Haywood, Eliza (1997). Fragments of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. Oxford: OUP; Hertfordshire, Canada: Broadview
Lennox, Charlotte (1989). Fragments of The Female Quixote. Oxford: OUP
Fielding, Sarah (2005). Fragments of The Governess. Hertfordshire, Canada: Broadview
Manley, Delariviere (1992). Fragments of The New Atalantis. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin
Wollstonecraft, Mary (1988). Sections of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. New York: Norton;Oxford: OUP
Haywood, Eliza (1999). Selections from The Female Spectator. Oxford: OUP

Bibliografía complementaria (). .
Showalter, Elaine (1984). A Literature of their Own. London: Virago
Beetham, Margaret (1996). A Magazine of her Own?. London: Routledge
Lorenzo Modia, María Jesús (1998). Literatura femenina inglesa del siglo XVIII. A Coruña: UDC
Ballaster, Ros (1992). Seductive Forms. Women's Amatory Fiction from 1684 to 1740. Oxford: Clarendon
MacCarthy, B. G. (1994). The Female Pen. Cork: Cork UP
Italia, Iona (2005). The Rise of Literary Journalism in the Eighteenth Century. London: Routledge
Spencer, Jane (1986). The Rise of the Woman Novelist. Oxford: Blackwell
Todd, Janet (1989). The Sign of Angellica. London: Virago
McDowell, Paula (1998). The Women of Grub Street.. Oxford: Clarendon
Shevelow, Kathryn (1989). Women and Print Culture. London: Routledge