Materias que se recomenda ter cursado previamente

Materias que se recomenda cursar simultaneamente

Materias que continúan o temario
Literatura Norteamericana 2/613G03035
Literatura Norteamericana nos seus Textos/613G03047


Suggested timetable for course work and reading load (we will try to stick to this calendar but will improvise when necessary; note that I have separated the seminar sessions, "Titoría de grupo reducido", from the other class sessions as they do not fully coincide with them):

Week 1 (Jan 30, 31): John Smith / William Bradford
Week 2 (Feb 6, 7): Anne Bradstreet / Edward Taylor
Week 3 (Feb 13, 14): Mary Rowlandson
Week 4 (Feb 27, 28): Benjamin Franklin
Week 5 (Mar 5, 6): Thomas Jefferson / Washington Irving
Week 6 (Mar 12, 13): Ralph Waldo Emerson
Week 7 (Mar 19, 20): Emerson / Henry David Thoreau
Week 8 (Mar 26, 27): Thoreau Session 7 (May 3, 10): Dickinson
Week 9 (Apr 10, 16, 17): Nathaniel Hawthorne
Week 10 (Apr 23, 24): Edgar Allan Poe
Week 11 (Apr 30): Frederick Douglass
Week 12 (May 7, 8): Herman Melville
Week 13 (May 14, 15): Walt Whitman
Week 14 (May 21, 22): Emily Dickinson


Session 1 (Feb 2, 9): Christopher Columbus

Session 2 (Feb 16, 23): Edward Taylor

Session 3 (Mar 1, 8): Hector St. John Crèvecoeur 

Session 4 (Mar 15, 22): Hawthorne

Session 5 (Mar 29, Apr 12): Poe

Session 6 (Apr 19, 26): Melville