Bibliografía básica J. R. Barry, E. A. Lee and D. G. Messerschmitt (2004). Digital Communication, 3rd Ed., Chapters 1, 7 and 12. USA, Kluwer Academic Publishers
J. G. Proakis (2000). Digital Communications, 4th Ed.. McGraw Hill
B. Sklar (2001). Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, 2nd Ed.. Prentice Hall
T. K. Moon (2005). Error correction coding: mathematical methods and algorithms. UK, John Wiley and Sons
J. Castiñeira Moreira and P. Guy Farrell (2006). Essentials of Error-Control Coding. UK, John Wiley and Sons
D. J. C. MacKay (2003). Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge University Press

Bibliografía complementaria Kschischang, F.R.; Frey, B.J.; Loeliger, H.-A. (2001). Factor graphs and the sum-product algorithm. IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 498-519
D. J. C. MacKay (1999). Good error correcting codes based on very sparse matrices . IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 399-431
R. H. Morelos-Zaragoza (2006). The Art of Error-Correcting Coding, 2nd Ed.. McGraw Hill
C. Heegard, S. Wicker (1999). Turbo Codes. Kluwer Academic Publishers