Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Elementos Finitos I/614455102
Diferenzas Finitas/614455205
Elementos de Contorno/614455207
Elementos Finitos II/614455208
Métodos Numéricos en Optimización/614455210
Métodos Numéricos II/614455211
Métodos Numéricos para Ecuacións Diferenciais Ordinarias (EDO)/614455212
Cálculo Paralelo/614455202

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Linguaxes e Contornos de Programación I/614455104

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

To be able toi understand the methods presented in this subject it is necessary to have elemental knowledge of linear algebra and  diferential and integral calculus. It is also recomended to study the contents developed in the subject at the time they are introduced, making the assigments and the proposed practices, and making use of the thutories and consulting recommended bibliography.