Topic Sub-topic
Introduction Information Retrieval and Search Engine Architecture
Information gathering
Crawling and feeds.
Text and Web page processing Text pre-processing and parsing. Anchor text and Web link analysis, internationalization.
Indexes and ranking.
Building and compressing indexes. Efficient query processing.
Query formulation and results presentation.
Formulation and query re-writing. Snippets. Results visualization.
Information Retrieval Models.
Boolean, Vector-space, probabilistic, language models.
Evaluation Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems. Evaluation campaigns. Efficiency and effectiveness metrics. Evaluation design: training, test, statistical significance. Crowd-sourced evaluation.
Text mining. Document clustering and classification
Distributed and Social search.
Federated search and distributed search. Blogs, micro-blogs and social networks.
Recommender systems Collaborative filtering. Models and algorithms for recommendation. Recommender systems.
Introduction to the Semantic Web

Semantic Web. Ontologies, definition, types and examples.
Description and resource querying.
XML, RDF and RDF Schema languages. SPARQL query language. OWL language. Tools for ontology development. Libraries for ontology management. RDF repositories.
Reasoning and rules.
Formal logic and reasoning foundations. Semantic rule representation. Reasoning engines.
Semantic Web applications.
Linked Data, FOAF, Dublin Core, WordNet. Semantic annotations. Semantic Search. Semantic Web services.