Bibliografía básica J. Szejtli (1988). Cyclodrextrin Technology. Kluwer Academic Publishers: The Netherlands
A. Ben-Naum (1980). Hydrophobic Interactions. Plenum Press: New York
M. N. Jones, D. Chapman (1994). Micelles, Monolayers and Biomembranes. Eds.: J. Willey % Sons, Nueva York
M. J. Rosen (1989). Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena. 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons: New York

Bibliografía complementaria J Israelachvili (1992 ). Intermolecular & Surface Forces . 2nd Ed.., Academic Press
Varios; Eds.: P. L. Luisi & B. E. Straub (1984). Reverse Micelles. Biological and Technological relevance of. amphiphilic structures in Apolar Media . Plenum Press. Nueva York
Raoul Zana (1987). Surfactants in Solution. New Methods of. Investigation . Edit..: Marcel Dekker: Nueva York,

Ÿ Surfactants in Solution series. Ed.. Mittal

Ÿ Solution Chemistry of. Surfactants series. Ed.. Mittal

Ÿ Publicaciones científicas periódicas: Langmuir; Journal of colloid and interface Science; Journal of. inclusion phenomena and macrocyclic chemistry, entre otras