Bibliografía básica STUMM, W. & MORGAN, J.J (1996). Aquatic Chemistry. John Willey & Sons
FRANCOIS M.M. MOREL; JANET G. HERING (1993). Principles and Applications of Aquatic Chemistry. John Willey & Sons, New York

Bibliografía complementaria RODRÍGUEZ MELLADO J.M.; MARÍN GALVÍN R. (1999). Fisicoquímica de Aguas. Ed. Diaz de Santos
CATALÁN LAFUENTE (1981). Química del Agua. Ed. Bellisco

Otros materiales de apoyo:
1. Herramientas informáticas:

Theresa Julia Zielinski: "Mathcad in the chemistry Curriculum". Journal of Chemical Education, 1998 75(9), 1189-1190. "Mathematics in Physical Chemistry", J. Chem. Education, 2003 80(5), 580-581.


2. Discusiones y revisiones conceptuales:

- M.Sastre, J.A.Santaballa. "A note on the meaning of the electroneutrality condition for solutions". J.Chem.Education., 1989, 66(5), 403.

- M. Sastre de Vicente. "Introducing probabilistic concepts in Chemistry: the preparation of a 10 e-24 M solution as a limit case". J.Chem. Education, 1993, 102(3), 675.

- M.Sastre de Vicente. "The Concept of Ionic Strength Eighty Years After its Introduction in Chemistry". J.Chem.Education., 2004, 81(5) 750-753.

3. Otros textos:

- F. Arce, M. Sastre de Vicente y J.A. Santaballa. Aspectos teórico-practicos de la medida del pH. Universidad de Santiago. 1986

1. Herramientas informáticas:

- Theresa Julia Zielinski: "Mathcad in the chemistry Curriculum". Journal of Chemical Education, 1998 75(9), 1189-1190. "Mathematics in Physical Chemistry", J. Chem. Education, 2003 80(5), 580-581.


2. Discusiones y revisiones conceptuales:

- M.Sastre, J.A.Santaballa. "A note on the meaning of the electroneutrality condition for solutions". J.Chem.Education., 1989, 66(5), 403.

- M. Sastre de Vicente. "Introducing probabilistic concepts in Chemistry: the preparation of a 10 e-24 M solution as a limit case". J.Chem. Education, 1993, 102(3), 675.

- M.Sastre de Vicente. "The Concept of Ionic Strength Eighty Years After its Introduction in Chemistry". J.Chem.Education., 2004, 81(5) 750-753.

3. Otros textos:

- F. Arce, M. Sastre de Vicente y J.A. Santaballa. Aspectos teórico-practicos de la medida del pH. Universidad de Santiago. 1986