Bibliografía básica -Bodek, Ed. (1988.). "Environmental Inorganic Chemistry". . Pergamon Press, Oxford.
Schlesinger. (1997.). “Biogeochemistry. An Análisis of Global Change”. 2ª Ed. . Academic Press, San Diego.

Bibliografía complementaria U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (). .
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (). .
United nations Environmental Programme (). .
European Emvironment Agency (). .
Stumm y Morgan. (1996.). "Aquatic Chemistry". 3ª Ed. . Ed. Wiley and Sons, N. York.
Finlayson-Pitts y Pitts. (1999.). "Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere". Academic Press, N. York.
Merian. (2004.). "Elements and their Compounds in the Environment". 2 Ed.. VCH, Weinheim.
Puichdomenech. (2010.). "MEDUSA"..
Vicente. (1979.). "Química de las Disoluciones. Diagramas y Cálculos Gráficos".. Alhambra, Madrid.
Choppin. (1995.). "Radiochemistry and Nuclear Chemistry".2ª Ed. . Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.
Büchel (2000.). “Industrial Inorganic Chemistry". 2ª Ed. . Wiley, N.York.
Domenech. (2006.). “Química Ambiental de Sistemas Terrestres".. Reverté, Barcelona.