Methodologies Description
Sesión maxistral Expositive sessions to present theoretical aspects using different materials: board, slides, electronic notes and resources provided by the teacher using the virtual campus.
Seminario Practical seminars in which acquired concepts are developed further, with a practical example as baseline. The teacher conducts the session, involving the students actively.
Prácticas de laboratorio Practical sessions designed by the teacher on the grounds of the concepts that the students are presented with. Students develop practical exercises in small groups, preferably in pairs.
Proba obxectiva Written test to assess student's knowledge acquisition. Students must develop both their knowledge of theoretical aspects, to be demonstrated by answering questions, and their knowledge of practical aspects, to be demonstrated by solving practical exercises, similar to those they have been previously addressing during practical sessions, seminars, and personal tasks.
Traballos tutelados Personal tasks proposed by the teacher and developed by the students in an individual fashion, or in group. This tasks can be evaluated via test exams or individually during tutoring hours.