Methodologies Description Qualification
Prácticas de laboratorio Evaluation of the practical exercises in a continuous manner thorough the course in a final defence. Despite these exercises being solved in groups, there are two components in this evaluation:

- Evaluation of the group work, in which coordination and collaboration is evaluated.

- Personal evaluation, where contribution of each individual is evaluated.

Among the aspects to be evaluated, we find:

- Rigorousness in achieving the objectives of each exercise, applying the techniques proposed in the subject.

- Comprehension of the concepts involved in the exercise.

- Originality in the solutions.

- Responsibility in finishing the exercises in due time and according to the given instructions, as well as use of given material.
Proba obxectiva Written test with three different parts: short questions, short design-and-implement exercises, and design problem with special interest in motivation of design decisions.
Traballos tutelados The following aspects will be taken into account:

- Knowledge of the contents of the proposed tasks.
- Knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject.
- Participation and/or suitable tracking in the development of the subject.
Assessment comments