Bibliografía básica Ashby, W. (1972). Introduccion a la cibernetica. Nueva Vision
Freeman, J. e Skapura, D. (1991). Neural Networks algorithms, applications and programming techniques. Addison-Wesley
Diamataras, K. e Kung, S. (1996). Principal component neural networks: theory and applications. Wiley, New York
Masters, T (1994). Signal and image processing with neural networks: a C++ sourcebook. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Arbib, M. (1995). The handbook of brain theory and neural networks. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Bibliografía complementaria London Arnold (1998). A guide to neural computing and applications.
Arbib, M. (1987). Cerebros, máquinas y matemáticas. Alianza Universidad
Rios, Al. (1991). Estructuras dinamicas y aplicaciones de las RNA. CEURA, Madrid