Bibliografía básica Winford, Donald (2003). An Introduction to contact linguistics. . Oxford: Blackwell.
Matras, Yaron (2009). Language contact. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thomason, Sarah G. (2001). Language contact: An introduction. . Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press.

Unha selección de lecturas obrigatorias (artigos e capítulos de libros) preparada polo  profesor (arredor de 200 páxinas).

Observacións. As lecturas requiridas serán fundamentalmente en inglés. Quen no poida ler con fluidez textos sobre lingüística en inglés necesitará máis tempo de traballo, dependendo do grao de dificultade que teña.

Bibliografía complementaria Coetsem, Frans van (2000). A general and unified theory of the transmission process in language contact.. Heidelberg: Winter.
Fagyal Zsuzsanna (2010). Accents de banlieu: aspects prosodiques du français populaire en contact avec les langues de l’immigration. . Paris: L’Harmattan.
Winford, Donald (2003). An Introduction to contact linguistics. . Oxford: Blackwell.
Bullock, Barbara y Toribio, Jacqueline (eds.) (2009). Cambridge handbook of code-switching. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gardner-Chloros, Penelope (2009). Code-switching.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thomason, Sarah G. (1997). Contact languages: A wider perspective. . Amsterdam / Filadelfia: John Benjamins.
Rampton, Ben (1995). Crossing language and ethnicity among adolescents. . Londres / Nueva York: Longman.
Trudgill, Peter (1986). Dialects in contact. . Oxford: Blackwell.
Clyne, Michael (2003). Dynamics of language contact: English and immigrant languages. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Klee, Carol A. y Lynch, Andrews (2009). El español en contacto con otras lenguas.. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.
Durban, Robin (1996). Grooming, Gossip and the Evolution of Language. Londres: Faber and Faber.
Heine, Bernd y Kuteva, Tania (2005). Language contact and grammatical change. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Thomason, Sarah G. & Terence Kaufman (1988). Language Contact, Creolization and Genetic Linguistics.. Language Contact, Creolization and Genetic Linguistics.
Thomason, Sarah G (2001). Language contact: An introduction. Edimburgo: Edinburgh University Press.
Mufwene, Salikoko (2008). Language evolution: Contact, competition and change. . Londres: Continuum.
Weinreich, Uriel (1953). Languages in contact: Findings and problems. . La Haya: Mouton.
Lehiste, Isle (1983). Lectures on language contact. . Cambridge (Mass.) MIT Press.
Eckert, Penelope (2000). Linguistic Variation as Social Practice. Oxford: Blackwell.
Bakker, P. & M. Maarten (eds.) (1994). Mixed Languages. Amsterdam: IFOTT.
Schneider, Edgar (2007). Postcolonial English: Varieties around the world. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Myers-Scotton, Carol (1993). Social motivations for code-switching: Evidence from Africa. . Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Silva Corvalán, Carmen (ed.) (1997). Spanish in four continents: Studies in language contact and bilingualism. . Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Hickey, Raymond (ed.) (2010). The handbook of language contact. . Oxford: Blackwell.
Clements, Clancy (1993). The linguistic legacy of Spanish and Portuguese: colonial expansion and language change. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoffmann, Thomas & Lucia Siebers (eds.) (2009). World Englishes: problems, properties, prospects. . Amsterdam / Filadelfia: John Benjamins.