Methodologies Description Qualification
Short answer questions Short, in-class exercises set every week when possible. They will consist of short quizzes, text identification and short personal responses to specific sections of the set texts. Class participation and group presentations will also boost a student's marks in this section by up to 50% with respect to the mark achieved in their written work. 15
Long answer / essay questions 1. A 1500 word essay on a subject of the student's choice in consultation with the teacher. It must be handed in before the last week of class, after which no essay will be accepted. This essay will count for 40% of your mark.
2. A short review and commentary of a work of literature of the period chosen from a list that will be handed out at the beginning of the course. You will be expected to provide a short summary and critical commentary on the work in question. This includes both a personal response to the text and a consideration of its importance within the literature of its period and context. This review-essay is worth 20% of your final marks.
Workbook Final exam which will cover all set readings that have been dealt with in class. The exam will consist of two essay questions in English. A coherent, well-argued and well-expressed response in English in which one shows one's ability to critically engage with the texts in an original manner is necessary to score the highest marks. This exam is worth 25% of your final mark. 25
Assessment comments

Students must score at least 4/10 in all set work in order to be eligible for a final grade. Failure to do so means that you must repeat the exercise for the July examination period, except for the in-class work.

Students with official leave must do all the work except for the in-class exercises. That is, the essay (40% of final mark) and the the review-commentary (20%) and the final exam (40%).