Bibliografía básica Gilbert, S.F. (2004). Biología del Desarrollo. Panamericana
Wolpert, L. (1998, 2001). Principles of Development. Oxford University Press


Developmental Biology (8th Edition)

The virtual embryo


Amphibian embryology tutorial with QuickTime movies.

Anatomy of the 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryo.

Developmental Biology ON LINE!.

Fly Morph-o-genesis

Medakafish developmental stage map.

Stages of Zebrafish Development

The Interactive Fly

The Multi-Dimensional Human Embryo. I

Embryo Images

The Visible Embryo

Morphing Embryos

The Xenopus Molecular Marker Resource

Society of developmental biology

Bibliografía complementaria Browder L.W., Erikson C.A., and Jeffrey W.R. (1991). Developmental Biology. Saunders
Kalthoff, K. (1996). Analysis of Biological Development. Mc Graw-Hill
Müller A.W. (1997). Developmental Biology. Springer-Verlag
Carlson, B.M (2000). Embriología Humana y Biología del Desarrollo.. Harcourt