Code Study programme competences
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
A25 Ability to recognise and analyse link between chemistry and other disciplines, and presence of chemical processes in everyday life
A27 Ability to teach chemistry and related subjects at different academic levels
B1 Learning to learn
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B6 Ethical, responsible, civic-minded professionalism
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving