Methodologies Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech Assessed through the mixed-test. 0
Mixed objective/subjective test Written test of knowledge acquired in the master classes and seminars. 70
Laboratory practice Mandatory attendance. Continuous assessment during the development of the same (5%). Exam (15%). 20
Problem solving There will be a continuous assessment of the problem solving and questionnaires, which will be assessed and will be 10% of the final grade. In addition, the knowledge acquired in solving problems will be assessed in the mixed test. 10
Assessment comments
Assistance to the problem solving sessions and laboratory practices is mandatory.

The student must pass both the practical and the mixed test to pass the subject.

To pass the practices, in addition to the assistance, it is imperative to pass the corresponding test.

For continuous assessment, in regard to the resolution of problems, each student must submit the corresponding problems solved prior to attending to each session and as indicated by the teacher. Finally, it should go to the corresponding session.

Mixed test:: will consist of two parts, theoretical (50%) and problem solving (20%).

To pass the subject, must be passed each of the evaluated parts: theory, practice, and problem solving.

The attendance to seminars and laboratory practices is mandatory.

For a student to be considered as "NOT PRESENT" should not have made the mixed-test.

In the case of not pass the subject in the first option, in the second chance, it must only pass the not passed part. If it is the theory, repeating the corresponding part of the mixed test, the same in the case of problem solving. If they are the practices, repeating the test.

In the case that several students choose to obtain "honors", and could not be granted all, only shall be granted to those students who obtained the highest assessment at the first opportunity.