Methodologies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice The maximum grade of the essays, tests and exercises will be of 4 points out of the total 10 points of the course.The asessment will be a continuous asessment so the grade of the tests of this section counts as much for the first as for the second opportunity. In the second opportunity the student will have the chance of repeating 2 points as a maximum for this part.
Mixed objective/subjective test The maximum grade will be of 4 points out of the total 10 points of the course. The test consists of an examination that will include theoretical concepts and the practical assimilation of the course.
The student will have the chance of repeating this test in the second opportunity.
Supervised projects The results of the essays, which will have a fixed deadline published with enough time in advance, will be assessed. These essays will not be repeated in the second opportunity. 20
Assessment comments

Na primeira oportunidade terá cualificación de NON PRESENTADO aquel/a estudante que non realice a proba mixta.

Na segunda oportunidade terá cualificación de NON PRESENTADO aquel/a estudante que non se presente á proba mixta.


Aqueles estudantes con matrícula a tempo parcial e dispensa académica que lles exima da asistencia ás clases deberán contactar cos docentes  para buscar unha alternativa á avaliación das prácticas de laboratorio, por exemplo mediante a realización dunha proba escrita na primeira  oportunidade ou a entrega de traballos pola súa conta.


A avaliación na oportunidade adiantada  consistirá unicamente nunha proba escrita que computará o 100% da cualificación.