Topic Sub-topic
Tema 1: Marine Systems Modeling and Simulation. 1.1. Marine installation and Marine plants architectures.
1.2. Mathematical models of Marine Installations and Control Systems.
1.3. Application of simulation tools.
1.4. Dynamic Simulation of Marine Plants Control Systems.
Tema 2: Marine plants control systems. 2.1. Structure of the marine installation control systems.
2.2. Control algorithms and controller applied on Marine Contol Sistems.

2.3. Practical controllers' tuning methods.

2.4. Adaptive controllers, and optimum tuning parameters.
Tema 3: Advanced control structures applied on Marine control systems. 3.1. Advanced control structures:
3.2. Feedback-cascade control.
3.3. Control por realimentación e adelanto.
3.4. Feedback-feerforward control
3.5. Ratio Control.
3.6. Fuzzy logic controllers.
3.7. Aplications on Marine installations.
3.7.1. Boiler control: level. pressure, combustion control)
3.7.2. Turbine control (Speed and power).
3.7.3. Reciprocating inter nal combustion engin control:( water cooling temp. lube oil temp., speed, acceleration and power control)
3.7.4. Fuel, lube oil and water transfer system control.
3.7.5. Fresh water plant control.
3.7.6. Cargo Control systems, Ballast control, DSteering control, and Dynamic positioning control systems.