Temas Subtemas
Introdución á linguaxe das ciencias da saúde e a fisioterapia. Everyday language for the health professional. Introduction to the language of numbers and letters. "My speciality" (written work, correction of mistakes) Reading and speaking: "Taking risks".
Hospitais 1. The hospital team. 2. In and around the hospital. (Directions) 3. Listening: "A Job Interview".
Coidarse a si mesma/ou 1. Physical fitness (Leo Jones ch8, including modal verbs)
2. What to do about flu.
3. How to stay healthy (letter of advice to a friend)
4. YouTube video listening comprehension: "What exercises can I do for arthritis in my knees?"
A linguaxe semi-científica English and Spanish technical lexis compared: false friends.
Semi-scientific newspaper and magazine articles: "The Ankle" and "Ankle Sprains".
Listening: "Using your Brain".
A dor e as enfermidades 1. Accidents and emergencies (First Aid; reading comprehension texts and videos for listening)
2. Pain
3. Symptoms
A fisioterapia 1. Exercising (Protect your back, DVD for listening comprehension, reading comprehension on "Movement, Posture and Lifting"; Video on "Australian LBP exercises)
2. Other physiotherapy treatments
(long noun and adjective groups)
A xuventude e a vellez 1. Caring for the elderly
2. Death and dying
3. Reading Comprehension: "Working with Children" "The Hope Children's Hospice"
Tratamentos 1. Medication: Should physiotherapists be able to make out prescriptions? (Article: "Physiotherapists may get medicine prescribing rights")
2. Alternative treatments
3. Surgery or exercise?: Articles for reading comprehension on The Knee, and "Total knee replacement"