Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The kind maxistral is also known like "conference", "method expositivo" or "lesson maxistral". This last modality usually reserve it a special type of lesson imparted by a professor in special occasions, with a contained that it supposes an original manufacture and based in the almost exclusive use of the word like road of transmission of the information to the audience.

Related fundamentally with the specific competitions reflected in the program.

Laboratory practice Methodology that allows that the students learn sure enough through the realization of activities of practical character, such as demonstrations, exercises, experiments and investigations.

Related fundamentally with the generic and specific competitions reflected in the program.
Mixed objective/subjective test It tests that it integrates questions type of proofs of essay and questions type of objective proofs.
Regarding questions of essay, collects developmental open questions. Besides, in song objective questions, can combine questions of multiple answer, of ordination, of brief answer, of discrimination, to complete and/or of association.
Introductory activities Activities that carry out before initiating any process of teaching-learning to know the competitions, interests and/or motivations that possesses the students stop the attainment of the objective that want to reach , linked it a formative program. With her intends to obtain information relevante that allow to articulate the docencia to favour effective and significant learnings, that split of the know previous of the students.

It allows to purchase specific and generic competitions of start and adaptation previously to the the competitions assigned in this subject.