Topic Sub-topic
1. Introduction Fundamentals. Natural and anthropogenic sources of pollution. Origin of environmental pollution. Effects of contamination. Pollution prevention and control. Specific regulations.
2. Water pollution Parameters and pollution indicators. Concept of water quality. Sources of pollution: urban-, industrial-, and agricultural- discharges. Analytical monitoring methods of various pollutants.
3. Pollution of urban and industrial runoff Pollution of urban and industrial water runoff.
4. Air pollution Major atmospheric pollutants. Sources of pollution. Quantification of air pollution. Units and their conversion. Effect of pollutants on the environment. Toxicological effects.
5. Soil pollution Economic and environmental importance of soils. Practical classification of soils. Basics parameters to be considered in case of contamination. The concept of contamination and risk in the frame of contaminated soils regulation. Discussion about the methods of application of generic reference levels of soils. Analysis of contamination-generating agents and key of their behaviour based on soils characteristics. Overlook of risky industrial activities and their prevention. Reflection from the perspective of the environmental liability law.

6. Microbial indicators of environmental contamination Introduction: influence of contamination on the environment and public helath.
Microbial indicators: characteristics to be met, advantages and drawbacks related to their use.
Detection of main microbial indicators of fecal contamination.