Methodologies Description Qualification
Objective test The theoretical contents of the course will be assessed by an examination that may include multiple choice questions, short questions and reasoned response questions. The A15, B2, B4 and C6 competencies will be evaluated with this methodology. 50
Laboratory practice The Labs will be mandatory throughout the semester. The students will give the cuestions and calculations to the teacher. The A7, A19, A23, B4 and B5 competencies will be evaluated with this methodology. 20
Seminar The seminars will be avaluated by continuous assessment of the work of the student and the individual resolution of numerical problems, the same day of the objective test. The A20, A21, B2, B3 and B4 competencies will be evaluated with this methodology. 20
Workshop The questionnaires completed by the students at the end of each topic will be assessed. The A7, A16 and B4 competencies will be evaluated with this methodology. 5
Supervised projects The Supervised projects involve making a memory from the script given by the teacher. The A9, A16 and B5 competencies will be evaluated with this methodology. 5
Assessment comments

To pass the course two basic requirements are required: regular attendance at all the activities and achieve a minimum final score of 5 points and at least a minimum of 4 points in each of the activities. 

To take into account the qualifications in the different activities subject to evaluation requires obtaining the minimum qualification indicated above for each one. Therefore, if this minimum value is not achieved in any of them, and the average is greater than or equal to 5 (out of 10), the student will not pass the course and will appear a qualification of 4.5. 

The student will obtain the qualification of “No presentado” when he attends less than 25% of the scheduled academic activities, and he does not make the final exam. The qualifications for the labs, supervised work, workshop and seminars will remain in the July second chance. While the qualification of the objective test made in July will replace that obtained in February. 

The students evaluated on the second opportunity will obtain “Matrícula de honor” only if the maximum number of those for the corresponding course has not been fully covered at the first opportunity. 

Regarding the successive academic years, the process of teaching and learning, including evaluation, refers to an academic course and, therefore, it would start with a new academic course, including all activities and assessment procedures that are scheduled for that course.