Temas Subtemas
1. Introdución e antecedentes da historia e da literatura de Irlanda. 2. Os grandes temas e grandes nombres da literatura irlandesa. 2.1. Irish Drama. The founding of a national theatre. The Abbey Theatre: Yeats, Lady Gregory, John Millington Synge. (The Playboy of the Western World) Sean O'Casey (The Dublin Plays)
2.2. The contemporary theatre. Beckett. Brian Friel John B. Keane and Martin McDonagh.

2.3 -. Joyce and his legacy. Dubliners (The Dead)
2.4 -. The poetry of Yeats. Other poets. Irish Renaissance and Irish Modernism. (The Tower)
2.5. Contemporary Irish Poetry: Kavanagh. Seamus Heaney. Meadh McGuckian. Bernard O'Donoghue. Irish Poetry Anthology.
2.7.-Frank O'Connor and John MacGahern.
2.8 - Contemporary Irish Fiction. Irish literature and film. Workshops of literature and film.
Further reading (optional literary works) (obras opcionais)
Memories - John MacGahern
Good Conduct - Molly Keane
He lighthouse Blackwater-Colm Tóibín
OBRAS DE LECTURA OBRIGATORIA Estas obras deben ser coñecidas polos alumnos antes de acudiar ás clases nas que se van traballar.
Obras de lectura obligatoria para o curso. The Playboy of the Western World, (Synge).
The Dublin Plays (O'Casey)
Mythologies (Yeats).
Joyce (The Dead e anacos doutras obras)
Translations (Brian Friel)
Dancing at Lunghasa (Friel)
Poems (unha selección)
Unha novela irlandesa do século 21st.