Temas Subtemas
Introductory Module How to learni Business English
What type of learner are you?
The good language learner
English learning strategies
Module 1. It's all about management Management... an art or a science?
Peter Drucker's view of management
You and your manager
Time management
Stress management
Emotional intelligence at work
Module 2. Creativity and motivation at work Douglas McGregor's theory X and theory Y
Maslow's pyramid
What motivates you?
Creativity skills
Module 3. Businesses of all shapes and sizes Describing company structure
Big Corporations
Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs)
Entrepreneurial skills
Module 4. What's your type of career? Filling a vacancy
Job applications
Covering letters and CVs
Thinking outside the box
Module 5. Odds and ends Communication skills
Problem solving
Decision making