Methodologies Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test Written examination at end of course, based on material covered throughout the course by both teachers. 25
Supervised projects Details in "Methodologies" section. 25
Oral presentation Oral presentation in English. 25
Student portfolio Attendance, participation and written work carried out during the course for both teachers. 25
Assessment comments

In the July examination, apart from the written students will have to present the work they did not submit during the course, including the presentation. Those who failed to reach the level required in the section "Student portfolio: attendance" will have to present another piece of written work, whose charactersitcs should be consulted with the teacher involved. Those who do not come to the July examination session will be given a grade of "No Presentado", unless they failed in the first exam, in which case they will be given a grade of "Fail" (Suspenso).

Those students with a special dispensation for part-time study or other will be required to contact the teacher in charge of the subject.