Datos Identificativos 2012/13
Asignatura (*) Variedades do Inglés Código 613G03042
Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
Grao 1º cuadrimestre
Cuarto Optativa 4.5
Departamento Filoloxía Inglesa
Nuñez Puente, Carolina
Correo electrónico
Nuñez Puente, Carolina
Correo electrónico
Descrición xeral Study of the many and rich manifestations of the English language, other than the ones considered "standard"

Competencias do título
Código Competencias da titulación

Resultados de aprendizaxe
Competencias de materia (Resultados de aprendizaxe) Competencias da titulación
During and (especially) at the end of the course, the students are expected to: -Approach the world of English language/s and culture/s from an ethical and postcolonial point-of-view -Analyze the sociocultural, political, economic, and military aspects surrounding the expansion of the English language and its consequences (e.g. capitalism, colonialism, globalization, migration) -Locate the geographical regions and/or countries of English varieties around the world -Know the main cultural features of the mentioned regions and/or countries (history, literature, religion, customs, etc) -Identify the phonological, morphological, and lexical characteristics of English accents and dialects -Recognize other varieties of English related to gender, class, age, ethnicity, profession, etc -Speak articulately and listen respectfully in and out of class -Read and write critically and creatively A1

Temas Subtemas
1. Introduction

2. Basic concepts: accent, bilingualism, creole, dialect, diglossia, idiolect, jargon, pidgin, register, slang, etc

3. The Queen’s English, BBC English... Can a person (or a corporation) own a language? Standard British English as dialect

4. English in Great Britain and Ireland (London varieties, Scottish English, Wenglish, North of England, South of England, the Midlands...)

5. English in the Americas (General American English, African-American English, Canadian English, Chicano English, Louisiana creole, Caribbean English...)

6. English in Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Cameroon, South Africa...)

7. English in Asia and Oceania (India, Australia, New Zealand, Maori English, Solomon Islands Pidgin...)

8. Other English varieties according to gender, class, age, ethnicity, and profession (e.g. English for academic purposes)

9. Conclusions and feedback

Metodoloxías / probas Horas presenciais Horas non presenciais / traballo autónomo Horas totais
Obradoiro 16 16 32
Lecturas 0 35 35
Traballos tutelados 0.5 16 16.5
Discusión dirixida 16 0 16
Prácticas a través de TIC 0 4 4
Presentación oral 0.5 8 8.5
Atención personalizada 0.5 0 0.5
*Os datos que aparecen na táboa de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando a heteroxeneidade do alumnado

Metodoloxías Descrición
Obradoiro Modalidade formativa orientada á aplicación de aprendizaxes na que se poden combinar diversas metodoloxías/probas (exposicións, simulacións, debates, solución de problemas, prácticas guiadas, etc) a través da que o alumnado desenvolve tarefas eminentemente prácticas sobre un tema específico, co apoio e supervisión do profesorado.
Lecturas Son un conxunto de textos e documentación escrita que se recolleron e editaron como fonte de profundización nos contidos traballados.
Traballos tutelados Metodoloxía deseñada para promover a aprendizaxe autónoma dos estudantes, baixo a tutela do profesor e en escenarios variados (académicos e profesionais). Está referida prioritariamente ao aprendizaxe do “cómo facer as cousas”. Constitúe unha opción baseada na asunción polos estudantes da responsabilidade pola súa propia aprendizaxe.
Este sistema de ensino baséase en dous elementos básicos: a aprendizaxe independente dos estudantes e o seguimento desa aprendizaxe polo profesor-titor.
Discusión dirixida Técnica de dinámica de grupos na que os membros dun grupo discuten de forma libre, informal e espontánea sobre un tema, aínda que poden estar coordinados por un moderador.
Prácticas a través de TIC Metodoloxía que permite ao alumnado aprender de forma efectiva, a través de actividades de carácter práctico (demostracións, simulacións, etc.) a teoría dun ámbito de coñecemento, mediante a utilización das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións. As TIC supoñen un excelente soporte e canal para o tratamento da información e aplicación práctica de coñecementos, facilitando a aprendizaxe e o desenvolvemento de habilidades por parte do alumnado.
Presentación oral Intervención inherente aos procesos de ensino-aprendizaxe baseada na exposición verbal a través da que o alumnado e profesorado interactúan dun modo ordenado, propoñendo cuestións, facendo aclaracións e expoñendo temas, traballos, conceptos, feitos ou principios de forma dinámica.

Atención personalizada
Presentación oral
Traballos tutelados
-Estoy a disposición de los/as estudiantes en mi despacho en las horas de tutoría, como también a través del teléfono y el correo electrónico. Siempre estoy abierta a hablar de la asignatura en
cualquier otro lugar del campus (e.g. cafetería).

-Todos/as los/as alumnos/as deberán ponerse en contacto conmigo a la hora de preparar sus trabajos escritos y exposiciones orales.

Metodoloxías Descrición Cualificación
Presentación oral You will have to do one oral presentation in groups of minimum 2 and maximum 6 people. It will consist of presenting a text--a fragment from a movie or a TV series, an interview, a comic sketch, etc. The specific guidelines will be provided in class. I will also meet you in groups to discuss your work.
The oral presentation must be done in an English variety which is considered non-standard. While presenting, students will not be allowed to read from any kind of notes, which implies doing several rehearsals previously. You will have to give me the written text of the presentation at the moment of doing it. Finally, you will learn a non-standard English variety while you work together and, hopefully, have some fun
Obradoiro The workshops (or "practical classes") will take place in the computer room. We will read, listen to, and analyze texts in different varieties of English. These texts will often be audiovisual. Sometimes we will correct assignments from previous days 25
Lecturas Students will have to read one or two texts per week, which will be discussed in our "theory classes". You are required to do a thorough reading of each text, which might imply that you take some notes while reading. You must come to class ready to ask questions and give your opinion during the class discussion. I will assess most of your readings orally; however, if it were necessary, I can also ask you to take a written test 20
Traballos tutelados You will have to write two individual papers. Once I have corrected them, you will have to rewrite them and return them to me again. If you don't submit the rewriting of each paper, I will not give you a grade. The "topics" of the papers are free. However, I will give a higher grade to the ones dealing with a written (not audiovisual) text.

Each paper must have the following structure:

-Thesis Statement
-List of Works Cited

The List of Works Cited will have to include at least:

-one book chapter,
-one academic article accessed through the JSTOR system (www.udc.es/biblioteca)

I will meet with you individually at least twice to discuss your work. The rest of the guidelines will be provided in class (e.g. English for academic purposes)
Discusión dirixida In every "theory class," there will be at least one debate about the reading/s of the week--and also about other texts related to the issues being discussed in class. Students' "spontaneous" participation in the debates will be graded independently from the kind of oral participation which shows that you actually did the readings (see "Lecturas" above) 10
Prácticas a través de TIC All classes will start with a brainstorming exercise. That is, students will share their knowledge and give their opinion of the region, history, and culture of the English variety being studied. You are asked to bring to class any kind of relevant information and share it with the group 5
Observacións avaliación

-Together with class attendance (see below), the workshops, readings, papers, and oral presentation are MANDATORY. So that I can work out your final mark, you will need to be graded with at least a "4" in the aforementioned activities

-To pass the course you need to ATTEND 98% of the classes. If you miss more than 2 classes, you will have to justify your absences by means of an official document (e.g. doctor's note). Even with such justification, missing 5 or more classes will imply failing the course and having to take the oportunidad de julio. Note that I am using a "continuous assessment method;" this means, you need to "continuously" attend classes for me to be possible to "assess" you

-If you miss between 1 and 4 classes, you will be asked to do extra work probably in the shape of exercises. These tasks will be assigned to you individually

-Students must submit the assignments on the agreed-upon dates. Delays will suppose a discount of 25% from the assignment grade

-A paper showing traces of plagiarism will be graded with a "0"

-There will be no final exams in January. The students taking the oportunidad de julio will be assigned two longer papers (25%), an oral presentation (15%), exercises (15%), and two exams: one written on the official date (25%) and one oral to be fixed by the teacher (20%). The rest of the guidelines will be announced on the Moodle platform

-The students who either do not come to 50% of the classes or do not submit 50% of the required assignments will be graded as "Non presentados/as." The ones taking the oportunidad de julio who do not sit the July exam will be graded as N.P. as well

-If you registered as a part-time student and were granted with the dispensa académica you must contact me as soon as possible.

Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica

Basic Bibliography

Ahmad, Dohra, ed. Rotten English: A Literary Anthology. New York: Norton & Co., 2007.

Cheshire, Jenny. English Around the World: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Cambridge: CUP, 1991.

Crystal, David. English as a Global Language. Cambridge: CUP, (1997) 2003.

Freeborn, Dennis, et al. Varieties of English: An Introduction to the Study of a Language. London: MacMillan, (1986) 1993.

Graddol, David, Dick Leith, and Joan Swann. English: History, Diversity and Change. London: Open University, 1996.

Hickey, Raymond, ed. Legacies of Colonial English: Studies in Transported Dialects. Cambridge: CUP, 2004.

Hughes, Arthur, Peter Trudgill, and Dominic Watt. English Accents and Dialects: An Introduction to Social and Regional Varieties of British English. London: Hodder Arnold, 2005.

Kortmann, Bernd, et al. A Handbook of Varieties of English. 2 Vols.and CD. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2004.

Krachu, Braj B., Yamuna Kachru, and Cecil L. Nelson, eds. The Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

Schneider, Edgar. Postcolonial English: Varieties Around the World. Cambridge: CUP, 2007.

Basic Webography




Basic Filmography

The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Dir. Stephan Elliot. Perf. Terence Stamp, Hugo Weaving, Guy Pierce... Gramercy Pictures, 1994.

Bend It like Beckham. Dir. Gurinder Chadha. Perf. Parminder Nagra, Keira Knightley… 20th Century Fox, 2002.

Keeping Up Appearances. Dir. Harold Snoad. Perf. Patricia Routledge, Clive Swift… BBC, 1990-1995.

My Fair Lady. Dir. George Cuckor. Perf. Audrey Hepburn, Rex Harrison... Warner Bros, 1964.

Monsoon Wedding. Dir. Mira Nair. Perf. Vasundhara Das, Vijay Raaz... Mirabai Films, 2001.

Real Women Have Curves. Dir. Patricia Cardoso. Perf. America Ferrera, Lupe Ontiveros… HBO, 2002.

Bibliografía complementaria

Materias que se recomenda ter cursado previamente

Materias que se recomenda cursar simultaneamente

Materias que continúan o temario


(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías