Datos Identificativos 2012/13
Asignatura (*) Comunic. Empresarial en L. Estranxeira (inglés) Código 650011504
Diplomado en Ciencias Empresariais
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
1º e 2º Ciclo 1º cuadrimestre
Primeiro-Segundo-Terceiro Optativa 4
Departamento Filoloxía Inglesa
Llanos Tojeiro, angela
Correo electrónico
Llanos Tojeiro, angela
Correo electrónico
Descrición xeral This course is intended for business students who will need to read, interpret, and write commercial correspondence in English as part of their work. It aims to provide practical help in reading and writing different types of letters, faxes, and email messages.

Competencias do título
Código Competencias da titulación

Resultados de aprendizaxe
Competencias de materia (Resultados de aprendizaxe) Competencias da titulación

Temas Subtemas
Unit 1. Letters, faxes, and emails. 1.1. Business letters: layout and parts
1.2. Faxes
1.3. Emails
Unit 2. Content and style. 2.1. Length
2.2. Order and sequence
2.3. Planning
2.4. Clarity and accuracy
Unit 3. Enquiries. 3.1. Opening
3.1.2. Asking for catalgues, price lists, details, samples, patterns or demonstrations
3.1.3. Suggesting terms, methods of payment, discounts
3.1.4. Asking for goods on approval; Asking for an estimate
3.1.5. Closing
3.1.6. Examples
3.2. Phone enquiries

Unit 4. Replies and quotations. 4.1. Replying to enquiries
4.1.2. Confirming that you can help
4.1.3. 'Selling' your product
4.1.4. Suggesting alternatives
4.1.5. Referring the customer to another place
4.1.6. Sending catalogues, prices lists, and samples
4.1.7. Arranging demonstrations and visits
4.1.8. Closing
4.2. Giving quotations
4.2.1. Prices
4.2.2. Transport and insurance costs
4.2.3. Discounts
4.2.4. Methods of payment and Quoting delivery date
4.2.5. Fixed terms and negotiable terms
4.2.6. Giving an estimate
4.2.7. Examples
4.3. Answering phone enquries
Unit 5. Orders 5.1. Placing an order
5.1.1. Opening
5.1.2. Payment and discounts
5.1.3. Delivery and methods of delivery
5.1.4. Packing
5.1.5. Closing
5.2. Acknowledging an order. Examples
5.3. Advice of despatch. Examples
5.4. Delays in deilvery
5.5. Refusing an order
5.5.1. Out of stock
5.5.2. Bad reputation
5.5.3. Unfavourable terms
5.5.4. Size
Unit 6. Complaints and adjustments 6.1. Unjustified complaints
6.2. Making general complaints
6.2.1. Opening
6.2.2. The language of complaints
6.2.3. Explaining the problem
6.2.4. Suggesting the solution
6.3. Replying to letters of complaint
6.3.1. Opening
6.3.2. Asking for time to investigate the complaint
6.3.3. Explaining the mistake
6.3.4. Solving the problem
6.3.5. Rejecting a complaint
6.3.6. Closing
6.3.7. Examples
6.4. Accounting errors and adjustments
6.4.1. Debit notes
6.5. Phone complaints and adjustments
6.4.2. Credit notes
6.4.3. Examples

Metodoloxías / probas Horas presenciais Horas non presenciais / traballo autónomo Horas totais
Actividades iniciais 3 6 9
Aprendizaxe colaborativa 3 9 12
Estudo de casos 10 8 18
Obradoiro 10 10 20
Solución de problemas 5 5 10
Glosario 2 6 8
Proba mixta 2 20 22
Atención personalizada 1 0 1
*Os datos que aparecen na táboa de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando a heteroxeneidade do alumnado

Metodoloxías Descrición
Actividades iniciais Introduction to business correspondence and telephone skills. Formal correspondence vs informal correspondence. Written vs spoken communication.

Aprendizaxe colaborativa Students are expected to do pair work as part of class activities.
Estudo de casos Case study is used when learning about the differents types of letters.
Obradoiro Students will learn to choose the most appropriate way to communicate depending on the different situations.
Solución de problemas Students engage in problem solving when dealing with different business situations.
Glosario Students are guided and encouraged to keep a glossary of new words as a learning tool.
Proba mixta The final exam includes different sections covering vocabulary, business letter layout, business letter and email message comprehension.

Atención personalizada
Proba mixta
Students who require special help are encuraged to attend office hours.

Metodoloxías Descrición Cualificación
Proba mixta Other sections in the final exam include:
business correspondence vocabulary
email reading comprehension
business letter drafting and layout
Estudo de casos As part of the final exam, students are presented with a communication case that they have to solve. 50
Observacións avaliación

Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica (). .
Ashley, A. (2003). A Handbook of Comercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press
Ashley, A. (2003). A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. Oxford University Press
Alcaraz Varó, Enrique (1997). Diccionario de términos económicso, financieros y comerciales. Ariel
Emmerson, Paul (2004). Email English. Macmillan
Mackenzie, Ian (2002). English for Business Studies. Cambrigde University Press
Murphy, Raymond (2004). English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press
Alexander, L. G. (1990). Longman English Grammar Practice. Longman

Bibliografía complementaria

Materias que se recomenda ter cursado previamente

Materias que se recomenda cursar simultaneamente

Materias que continúan o temario
Inglés Empresarial I/650011109


(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías