Datos Identificativos 2013/14
Asignatura (*) Lingüística informática e de corpus aplicadas á lingua inglesa Código 613505010
Mestrado Universitario en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados e as súas Aplicacións (2013)
Descriptores Ciclo Período Curso Tipo Créditos
Mestrado Oficial 2º cuadrimestre
Primeiro Optativa 3
Departamento Filoloxía Inglesa
Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel
Correo electrónico
Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño, Isabel
Correo electrónico
Web http://www.imaes.eu/?page_id=31
Descrición xeral Toda la información relativa tanto a esta materia como al resto del Máster la pueden encontrar en la dirección Web arriba señalada.

Competencias do título
Código Competencias da titulación

Resultados de aprendizaxe
Competencias de materia (Resultados de aprendizaxe) Competencias da titulación

Temas Subtemas
1. Introduction (description vs. theory; corpus vs. computational linguistics; brief history of corpus linguistics)
2. What is a corpus? (defining a corpus; types of corpora; corpus resources)
3. Corpus design and compilation (size and representativeness, etc.)
4. Corpus annotation (tagging, parsing, other types of annotation)
5. Data retrieval (software tools, concordances, wildcards, keywords, word lists, etc.)
6. Data analysis (quantitative and qualitative analyses; normalized frequencies; frequency distribution; statistical significance)
7.Applications of corpora for the linguistic analysis of English
8. Hands-on demonstrations with a selection of corpora

Metodoloxías / probas Horas presenciais Horas non presenciais / traballo autónomo Horas totais
Actividades iniciais 10 20 30
Análise de fontes documentais 0 10 10
Prácticas a través de TIC 4 6 10
Estudo de casos 0 11 11
Atención personalizada 14 0 14
*Os datos que aparecen na táboa de planificación son de carácter orientativo, considerando a heteroxeneidade do alumnado

Metodoloxías Descrición
Actividades iniciais - Lectures on the role of corpus linguistics as a framework/methodology for linguistic investigation.
Análise de fontes documentais Analisys of particular cases for a written piece of work
Prácticas a través de TIC - Hands-on sessions with software tools and corpora for text analysis (available at computer clusters and via internet).
Estudo de casos Seminars and oral presentations of the student’s written piece of work

Atención personalizada
Prácticas a través de TIC

Students will be using the Moodle platdorm as well as other virtual means to contact the teacher.

Metodoloxías Descrición Cualificación
Análise de fontes documentais 0
Estudo de casos 0
Prácticas a través de TIC 0
Observacións avaliación

10%     Attendance
and active participation at lectures, seminars and hands-on sessions. Please
note that attendance to the sessions is compulsory.

30%     Exercises,
some of them via the eLearning platform.

60%     Written
essay (2,000 – 3,000 words, excluding references) and oral presentation based
on the written essay. In order to pass this module, students must pass the
written essay with at least a mark of 5 (out of 10).

Fontes de información
Bibliografía básica

Aarts, J., P. de Haan & N. Oostdijk (eds.). 1993. English Language Corpora: Design, Analysis and Exploitation. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Baker, P. 2010. Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Baker, P., A. Hardie & T. McEnery. 2006. A Glossary of Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Biber, D., S. Conrad & R. Reppen. 1998. Corpus Linguistics. Investigating Language Structure and Use. Cambridge: C.U.P.

Cantos, P. 2011. Statistical Methods in Language and Linguistic Research. London: Equinox.

Hoffmann, S., S. Evert, N. Smith, D. Lee & Y. Berglund Prytz. 2008. Corpus Linguistics with BNCweb - a Practical Guide. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Hunston, Susan. 2002. Corpora in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kennedy, G. 1998. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. London: Longman.

Kilgariff, A. & G. Grefenstette. 2003. Introduction to the Special Issue on the Web as Corpus. Computational Linguistics 29/3: 333-347.

Lavid, J. 2005. Lenguaje y nuevas tecnologías. Nuevas perspectivas, métodos y herramientas para el lingüista del siglo XXI. Madrid: Cátedra.

Lindquist, H. 2009. Corpus Linguistics and the Description of English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Lüdeling, A. & M. Kytö (eds.). 2008. Corpus Linguistics. An International Handbook. Volume I. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.

McEnery, T. & A. Wilson. 1996. Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

McEnery, T., R. Xiao & Y. Tono. 2006. Corpus-Based Language Studies. An Advanced Resource Book. London: Routledge.

Meyer, Ch. 2002. English Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Mitkov, R. (ed.). 2003. The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Mukherjee, J. 2004. “The State of the Art in Corpus Linguistics: Three book-length perspectives.” English Language and Linguistics 8/1: 103-119.

Oakes, M. 1998. Statistics for Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Sinclair, J. 1991. Corpus, Concordance, Collocation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Stubbs, M. 1996. Text and Corpus Analysis. Oxford: Blackwell.

Bibliografía complementaria

Materias que se recomenda ter cursado previamente

Materias que se recomenda cursar simultaneamente

Materias que continúan o temario



Students are expected to complete all assignments and readings suggested by the lecturer(s), and to come to the sessions prepared to discuss them. Students must visit the eLearning platform for the course regularly. Students are expected to check their university email on a regular basis: announcements and last-minute changes will be notified via email.

Academic misconduct (including cheating, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, collusion or fabrication of results) will not be tolerated and will be penalised.

(*)A Guía docente é o documento onde se visualiza a proposta académica da UDC. Este documento é público e non se pode modificar, salvo casos excepcionais baixo a revisión do órgano competente dacordo coa normativa vixente que establece o proceso de elaboración de guías