Identifying Data 2013/14
Subject (*) Tecnoloxía Química Code 610G01041
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Fourth Optativa 4.5
Department Química Física e Enxeñaría Química 1
Veiga Barbazan, Maria del Carmen
Ruiz Bolaños, Isabel
Veiga Barbazan, Maria del Carmen
General description La materia “Tecnología Química” es una asignatura optativa que se imparte en el último curso del Grado de Química. El objetivo fundamental es aportar al alumno los conocimientos básicos de la Ingeniería Ambiental. Se introducen los distintos procesos empleados en el tratamiento y valorización de aguas, efluentes gaseosos y residuos, así como recuperación de suelos contaminados. Los conceptos teóricos adquiridos se pondrán en práctica en el laboratorio, y para que el alumno se familiarice con los equipos y procesos se realizarán visitas a instalaciones a escala industrial.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A7 Coñecer e aplicar as técnicas analíticas.
A11 Coñecer e deseñar operacións unitarias de Enxeñaría Química.
A13 Comprender a Química dos principais procesos biolóxicos.
A14 Demostrar o coñecemento e comprensión de conceptos, principios e teorías relacionadas coa Química.
A15 Recoñecer e analizar novos problemas e planear estratexias para solucionalos.
A19 Levar a cabo procedementos estándares e manexar a instrumentación científica.
A20 Interpretar os datos procedentes de observacións e medidas no laboratorio.
A22 Planificar, deseñar e desenvolver proxectos e experimentos.
A24 Explicar, de xeito comprensible, fenómenos e procesos relacionados coa Química.
A25 Relacionar a Química con outras disciplinas e recoñecer e valorar os procesos químicos na vida diaria.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B4 Traballar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B5 Traballar de forma colaborativa.
C2 Dominar a expresión e a comprensión de forma oral e escrita dun idioma estranxeiro.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
To know and design unit operations in environmental engineering. A11
To understand the design and operation of chemical and biological reactors. A13
To know and apply the techniques of detection and treatment of environmental pollution. A11
To know the problems of water pollution and the technologies available to treat it. A7
To know the problems of air pollution and the technologies available to treat it. A7
To know and apply bioremediation techniques and bioremediation of contaminated environments. A7

Topic Sub-topic
Chapter 1. Introduction to environmental engineering. Introduction.
Chapter 2. Unit operations in environmental technology. Equilibrium stage processes
Chapter 3. Reactors. Introduction. Reactor design. Reactor types. Bioreactors.
Chapter 4. Water treatment. Introduction. Physical treatment processes. Biological treatment processes and technologies. Water purification. Regeneration of water. Sludge management.
Chapter 5. Treatment of gaseous effluents. Introduction. Systems for pollution abatement. Treatment technologies to treat contaminated gases and vapors.
Chapter 6. Waste valorisation and treatment. Introduction. Types of Waste. Waste valorization and management. Waste treatment technologies.
Chapter 7. Contaminated soil remediation. Introduction. Techniques pollution containment. Confinement techniques. Decontamination techniques.

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 14 28 42
Seminar 7 17.5 24.5
Laboratory practice 6 9 15
Field trip 6 6 12
Supervised projects 3 12 15
Mixed objective/subjective test 3 0 3
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Lectures with the basic content of the subject.
Seminar Practical problems related to the given lectures will be developed. This activity will take place in small groups.
Laboratory practice Laboratory experiments to apply the adquired theoretical knowledge to practice. Acquisition of the basic skills and procedures related to the subject under study.
Field trip Several training visits to companies that have facilities related to the contents of the subject will be done. Each individual student should prepare a report to be delivered to the teacher. It is a mandatory activity.
Supervised projects Homework to be prepared in a small group of students on a topic related to the subject content. It will have a submission deadline. A written report will be given to the teacher and will be presented orally in class.
Mixed objective/subjective test A final written exam to assess the knowledge acquired by the student will be held at the end of the semester.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
The teacher will help the student with the doubts that may arise in performing the activities entrusted to it. It will take place in the timetable of tutorials available to the teacher.

During the lab sessions the students will have personalized attention from the teacher. At the begining they will discuss the preparation of the experiment, while running it the student will receive the necessary support, and end the end they will comment on the results obtained.

Methodologies Description Qualification
Supervised projects They quality of the report will be assessed in terms of content and references. Both the submitted written report and oral presentation will contribute to the assessment. 10
Laboratory practice A continuous assesment in the experimental work. The report with the results and discussion will be assessed.

Mixed objective/subjective test Final written exam that will assess the knowledge acquired at the end of the semester. 55
Field trip Each student should prepare a report on the facilities visited in the company, and deliver it to the teacher. It is a mandatory activity. 10
Seminar The resolution of exercises will be assesed. The active participation will be assessed in classroom activities. 15
Assessment comments

- Attendance to all the laboratory and field trip activities is mandatory. At least, a grade of four out of ten in each of these activities is required. If the average is equal to or
greater than 5 (out of 10) but this threshold mark was not met, the final mark will be 4.5 (fail).

- According to the rules contained in “Probas de Avaliación e Actas de Cualificación de Grao e Mestrado”, the so-called “second opportunity of July” is understood as a second opportunity to take the final written exam. The score of this second exam will be considered together with the others obtained during the course, corresponding to the other activities. The percentages of the different contributions will be the same as those of the former "first opportunity".

- Students who have not atended the mixed obtective test and have not participated in no more tan 25% of the scheduled sctivities will be graded as non attendance.

- Mark Honors: priority is given in the first opportunity (January). Honors may only be granted in July if their number have not be exhausted in January final qualifications.

- The teaching-learning process, including assessment, refers to an academic course and, therefore, will restart as new with every new academic year, including all activities and assessment procedures scheduled for that course.


Sources of information
  • Henley EJ y Seader JD. Operaciones de separación por etapas de equilibrio en ingeniería química. Ed. Reverté, Barcelona (1988).
  • Ramalho, R. S. Tratamiento de aguas residuales. Ed. Reverté. Barcelona (1996).
  • Metcalf and Eddy. Ingeniería de Aguas Residuales. Tratamiento, vertido y reutilización. Labor. Barcelona (1995).
  • Henze, M., van Loosdrecht, M. C. M., Ekama, G.A. and Brdjanovic, D.. Biological Wastewater Treatment. IWA Publishing (2008).
  • APHA, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. 20th ed., Washington DC, USA. (1998).
  • Kennes, C. and Veiga, M.C. Bioreactors for waste gas treatment. Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001).
  • Deublein, D. and Steinhauser, A. Biogas from waste and renewable resources: an introduction. Wiley-VCH, (2008).
  • Anderson, W.C. Innovative site remediation technology (Vol 1-8), American Academy of Environmental Engineers, (1993).

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Enxeñaría Química/610G01033

Other comments


(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.