Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Química, Información e Sociedade Code 610G01031
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatoria 6
Department Química Analítica
Prieto Blanco, Maria del Carmen
Carlosena Zubieta, Alatzne
Prieto Blanco, Maria del Carmen
General description Gallego: Nesta materia trátanse os principais aspectos relacionados co desenvolvemento da Ciencia, as fontes de información científica e a relación entre a Ciencia, Sociedade e Industria. Tamén lévase a cabo unha visión crítica e ética do traballo científico.

Castellano: En esta materia se aborda los principales aspectos relacionados con el desarrollo de la Ciencia, las fuentes de información científica, la relación entre la Ciencia, Sociedad e Industria, así como también desarrolla la visión crítica y ética del trabajo científico.

English: In this area the main aspects related to the development of science, sources of scientific information, the relationship between Science, Society and Industry are addressed. The critical and ethical vision of scientific work is also developed.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A21 Understanding of qualitative and quantitative aspects of chemical problems
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
A25 Ability to recognise and analyse link between chemistry and other disciplines, and presence of chemical processes in everyday life
A28 Acquisition, assessment and application of basic principles of industrial activity, organisation and task management
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
B5 Teamwork and collaboration
B6 Ethical, responsible, civic-minded professionalism
B7 Effective workplace communication
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life
C4 Self-development as an open, educated, critical, engaged, democratic, socially responsible citizen, equipped to analyse reality, diagnose problems, and formulate and implement informed solutions for the common good
C5 Understanding importance of entrepreneurship, and knowledge of resources available for people with business ideas
C6 Ability to assess critically the knowledge, technology and information available for problem solving
C7 Acceptance as a professional and as a citizen of importance of lifelong learning
C8 Understanding role of research, innovation and technology in socio-economic and cultural development

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Know the different mass media for chemical information, throughout history and today. A16
Know the methods of current and past research, and environmental influences. A16
Learn to use different means of access to information in chemistry, both written and audiovisual and on-line A16
Knowing and understanding the different pathways leading to the results in the process of chemical research. Knowing the structure of the various research institutions in today's society A16
Know, learn and critically evaluate the research ethics and outcome. Know and judge responsible behavior, good praxis. Observe and correct mistakes and negligence in the daily work A21
Know and understand the relationship between society, science and industry at present and over time, including both the positive momentum as interference. A24

Topic Sub-topic
SECTION I: Origin and development of research and theories Topic 1.- The beginnings of modern Science
Topic 2.- The beginnings of modern Chemistry
Topic 3.- The Scientific Revolution
Topic 4.- The Chemical Revolution
Topic 5.- Sciences methods I
Topic 6.- Sciences methods II
Topic 7.- Sciences methods III
Topic 8.- The practice of Science
SECTION II: Communication of results Topic 9.- Sources of information I
Topic 10.-Sources of information II
Topic 11.- Decisions, dissemination and evaluation of results
Topic 12.-Responsible conduct of science
Topic 13.- Organization and funding science
Topic 14.-Publications and scientific societies
Topic 15.- Intellectual property and patents
Topic 16.- Popular science
SECTION III: Risks and Benefits of Chemistry and Chemical Industry for the Society Topic 17.- Science and Technology
Topic 18.- Chemistry and Industry I
Topic 19.- Chemistry and Industry II
Topic 20.- Science and Military industry

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 32 32 64
Seminar 8 32 40
Supervised projects 8 32 40
Mixed objective/subjective test 3 0 3
Personalized attention 2 0 2
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The teacher presents and explains the fundamental concepts of each topic. Two sessions (1 hour) will be given by library staff of the Faculty of Science to explain the resources and advanced management in the library.
Seminar They are interactive small group sessions in which the teacher provides concrete examples related to the keynote speech. Case studies and discussion will take place between students and handling diverse scientific documentation is encouraged.
Also conducted sessions in the computer lab to perform activities of obtaining scientific information using networked databases.
Supervised projects In small group sessions, students will solve individual and group problems posed by the teacher, who will supervise the ongoing work of the student.
Problems that relate chemistry to the health, food, environment, etc. will be discussed, encouraging student participation. Students shall make a final report and oral presentation of the developed work, supervised by the teacher.
Mixed objective/subjective test Final exam in which multiple choice questions, short answer and essay are included. It aims to assess the knowledge acquired by the students and their ability to reason, synthesis, writing and critical thinking.

Personalized attention
Supervised projects
Throughout all sessions of small group tutoring student is encouraged, helping to raise doubts and to solve them.

The student may attend individual tutorials in the teacher's office in the appropriate schedule.

Methodologies Description Qualification
Seminar Student work in these sessions is evaluated by correcting individual or group tokens, and student participation in debates and issues raised in the classroom.
Attendance at all sessions in the computer lab and conducting all activities connected with these practices is mandatory.
Competencies will be assessed: A16, A24, A25, A28, B2, B3, B4, B5, B7, C3, C6, C8.
Mixed objective/subjective test Final exam includes multiple choice questions, short answer and essay. It will be held in the official call in February and in the second chance in July.
Competence is assessed: A23, A24, A25, A28, B3, C8.
Supervised projects Evaluation is carried out taking into account the following aspects:
- Participation and critical thinking demonstrated by students throughout the debates raised in the classroom.
- Capacity for synthesis, reasoning, etc.. reflected in the papers presented orally and / or written.
Competencies will be assessed: A24, A25, A28, B3, B4, B5, B7, C3, C5, C6, C7, C8.
Assessment comments

To pass the course there are two basic requirements:

1) regulating assistance all evaluable activities, the performance of
the computer classroom practices (analysis of documentary sources) being

2) Achieve a minimum rating of 4 (out of 10) in each of the assessment activities. And to pass the course, the sum of all the evaluated may not be less than 5 (out of 10). No minimum score of that reached in any of the activities and if the
average is greater than or equal to 5 (out of 10), the final grade will
be suspended (4.0).

The student will obtain the qualification of No Offered when making
less than 25% of the scheduled academic activities and not submit to the
test mixed (final exam).

In the context of continuous assessment marks obtained in seminars and supervised work may be conserved in July second chance. And the rating of the mixed evidence obtained in July replaced that obtained at the first opportunity in February.

Students evaluated in the second chance may only qualify for honors if
the maximum number of licenses for the course were not exhausted at the
first opportunity.

the following academic courses, the teaching-learning process,
including assessment, would start which means that the students must
complete all scheduled activities for the new course.

Sources of information
Basic Patricia Fara (2009). Breve historia de la ciencia . Editorial Ariel, Barcelona
W.H. Brock (1998). Historia de la química, serie: Ciencia y Tecnología . Editorial Alianza Editorial, 1998, Madrid
David C. Lindberg. (2002). Los inicios de la ciencia occidental . Editorial Paidós, Barcelona
Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (EEUU) (1995). On Being a Scientist. National Academy Press
P. J. Bowler, I.R. Morus (2007). Panorama general de la ciencia moderna. Editorial Crítica, Madrid
Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (EEUU) (1992). Responsible Science: Ensuring the Integrity of the Research Procces, vol.1.. National Academic Press, Washington
A.F. Chalmers (1993). ¿Qué es cosa llamada ciencia?. Siglo XXI, Madrid

A continuación indícanse algunhas páxinas web coas as que se traballará:





Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

- It is recommended to have knowledge of English because much of the literature is in English.

- Requires written in a clear and orderly as well as to manage common IT tools (word processing, internet access, etc..).

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.