Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Laboratorio de Química Code 610G01032
Study programme
Grao en Química
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Second Obligatoria 6
Department Química Física e Enxeñaría Química 1
Química Fundamental
Brandariz Lendoiro, Maria Isabel
Brandariz Lendoiro, Maria Isabel
Jimenez Gonzalez, Carlos
Ojea Cao, Vicente
Penedo Blanco, Francisco Jose
Ruiz Pita-Romero, Maria
General description O obxectivo da asignatura e o aprendizaxe práctico de técnicas espectrométricas y espectroscópicas nun laboratorio de química, xunto coa determinación de propiedades fisicoquímicas básicas.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 Ability to use chemistry terminology, nomenclature, conventions and units
A7 Knowledge and application of analytical methods
A9 Knowledge of structural characteristics of chemical and stereochemical compounds, and basic methods of structural analysis and research
A14 Ability to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of concepts, principles and theories in chemistry
A15 Ability to recognise and analyse new problems and develop solution strategies
A16 Ability to source, assess and apply technical bibliographical information and data relating to chemistry
A18 Risk management in relation to use of chemical substances and laboratory procedures
A20 Ability to interpret data resulting from laboratory observation and measurement
A23 Critical standards of excellence in experimental technique and analysis
A24 Ability to explain chemical processes and phenomena clearly and simply
B2 Effective problem solving
B3 Application of logical, critical, creative thinking
B4 Working independently on own initiative
C1 Ability to express oneself accurately in the official languages of Galicia (oral and in written)
C3 Ability to use basic information and communications technology (ICT) tools for professional purposes and learning throughout life

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
This course has as main purpose to provide students with the knowledge of: a) The standard operations for preparation of chemical substantces and basic tools for determining the structure of a chemical compound from its spectrometric and / or spectroscopic data. A1
b) Determination of basic physicochemical properties. This course is designed and organized in a way that provides (and partly used) interdisciplinary knowledge applicable to all Areas of Chemistry. A1

Topic Sub-topic
1. Standard laboratory operations. Preparation, separation and purification of chemical compounds
2. Spectrometric techniques for determining molecular structure Application of the 1H and 13C NMR, mass spectrometry, and infrared spectroscopy for structural determination. Characteristics frequency of the main functional groups. Tables of additivity.
3. Physicochemical characterization of compounds. Determination of reaction rates.
UV spectroscopy applications. Determination of equilibrium constants.
Electrochemical methods. Potentiometry and conductimetry

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 4 0 4
Seminar 3 4.5 7.5
Workshop 10 15 25
Laboratory practice 39 65.5 104.5
Mixed objective/subjective test 4 4 8
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech In the first class it will take place a general presentation of the course: objectives, contents and organization of matter. In later sessions the basics of instrumentation, calibration, and mass spectrometry fundamentals are explained.
Seminar General aspects of the use of the techniques of structural determination.
Workshop Use of simulation programs and resolution of practical cases of structural determination. Proposed problems will be solved by developing strategies that integrate the different spectroscopic techniques for structural elucidation. Prior to the development of some sessions, students will work out writing solutions for some of the proposed problems.
Laboratory practice Integrated projects involving the combination of various procedures and experimental techniques will be conducted. The student will carry out the scheduled experiments, and laboratory reports will be performed, including collected data and their discussion, as well as answers to proposed questions to achive a deep understanding of the experiments.
Mixed objective/subjective test Mixed test will consist of questions and problems to solve related to the topic of the lectures, workshops / seminars taught (structure determination) and laboratory practices.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Students will be assisted by the teacher in the resolution of any of their doubts or questions arisen along the work.

Methodologies Description Qualification
Mixed objective/subjective test The test will consist of questions and problems related to the topic of the lectures, workshops / seminars taught (structure determination) and laboratory practices

Subject competencies: A1, A9, A15, A20, B2, B3, B4, C1
Laboratory practice In the continuous evaluation it will be assessed: the prelaboratory work, attitude and activity in the lab sessions, as well as the preparation of laboratory reports.

Subject competencies: A1, A7, A9, A14, A15, A16, A18, A20, A23, A24, B2, B3, B4, C1, C3
Workshop Attitude and student activity during the sessions and the written resolutions of the proposed problems will be assessed.

Subject competencies: A1, A9, A14, A15, B2, B4, C1
Assessment comments

The final grade is obtained as the sum of the score on each part:workshop, laboratory practice and mixed test. To pass the course a minimum score of 5,0 (out of a possible 10) is
required, with the restriction that a minimum of 4.0 (out of a possible
10) in each part will be necessary. If the total sum value was
equal to or greater than 5 (out of 10) but this threshold mark was not met, the final mark will be 4.5 (fail).

Attendance to all the sessions is mandatory.

Any student who has attended 51% or more of sessions (workshops / seminars + lab) will be assessed.

In the second assessment opportunity in July, students will undergo assessment of what they has not passed at the first opportunity.

Mark Honors: priority is given in the first opportunity (June). The amount of Mark Honors is limited by University norms, so
Honors may only be granted in the second opportunity (July) if they have not been exhausted
in June final qualifications.

The teaching-learning process, including assessment, refers to an
academic course and, therefore, will restart as new with every new
academic year, including all activities and assessment procedures
scheduled for that course.

Sources of information
Basic RUIZ SÁNCHEZ, J.J.; RODRÍGUEZ MELLADO, J.M.; MUÑOZ GUTIÉRREZ, E.; SEVILLA SUÁREZ DE URBINA, J.M. (2003). Curso Experimental de Química Física. Editorial Síntesis, Madrid.
SHOEMAKER, D.P.; GARLAND, G.W.; NIBLER, J.W. (2003). Experiments in Physical Chemistry.. McGraw-Hill.
CONNORS, K.A. ( 1987). Binding Constants. The Measurement of Molecular Complex Stability. Wiley & Sons: New York
ESPENSON J. H. (2002). Chemical Kinetics & Reaction Mechanisms.. 2ª ed, McGraw-Hill.
MATTHEWS, G.P. (1985). Experimental Physical Chemistry. . Oxford Science Pub., Boston.
LEVINE I. N. (2004). Fisicoquímica . 5ª ed., McGraw-Hill, Madrid.
DAMASKIN B.B., PETRI O.A. (1981). Fundamentos de la Electroquímica teórica. . Mir, Moscú.
Hesse M.; Meier, H.; Zeeh, B. (Traducido por Herrera Fernández, A.; Martinez Alvarez, R.; Söllhube) (1995). Métodos Espectroscópicos en Química Orgánica. Síntesis
Willard, Hobart H. (1991). Métodos instrumentales de análisis. Ed. Iberoamericana
Crews, P.; Rodríguez, J.; Jaspars, M. (2009). Organic Structure Analysis. Oxford Univ. Press
ATKINS P.W., DE PAULA, J. (2002). Physical Chemistry.. 7ª ed., Oxford University Press, Oxford.
SIME, R.J. (1990). Physical Chemistry:Methods, techniques, experiments.. Ed. Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia.
Pretch, Cleks, Seibl, Simon: (2000). Tablas para la determinación estructural por métodos espectroscópicos. Traducción 3ª Edición por Antonio Herrera y Roberto Martinez,. Verlag Ibérica

Complementary George, B.; McInTyre (1987). Infrared Spectroscopy. John Wiley
McLafferty, F. W.; Turecek, F. Interpretation of Mass Spectra. (1993). Interpretation of Mass Spectra. University Science Books

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Química Analítica Instrumental 1/610G01013
Química Analítica Instrumental 2/610G01014
Química Analítica Avanzada e Quimiometría/610G01015
Química Física 3/610G01018
Ampliación de Química Orgánica/610G01028
Experimentación en Química Orgánica/610G01029
Química Orgánica Avanzada/610G01030

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously
Química Analítica 2/610G01012
Química Física 2/610G01017
Química Inorgánica 2/610G01022
Química Orgánica 2/610G01027

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Química 1/610G01007
Química 2/610G01008
Química 3/610G01009
Química 4/610G01010
Química Analítica 1/610G01011
Química Física 1/610G01016
Química Inorgánica 1/610G01021
Química Orgánica 1/610G01026

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.