Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Fundamentos bioquímicos de biotecnoloxía Code 610G02014
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Fourth Optativa 6
Department Bioloxía Celular e Molecular
Becerra Fernandez, Manuel
Becerra Fernandez, Manuel
Gonzalez Siso, Maria Isabel
General description A materia fundamentos bioquímicos de biotecnoloxía é claramente interdisciplinar, caracterizada pola reunión de conceptos e metodoloxías procedentes de numerosas ciencias para aplicalas tanto á investigación básica como á resolución de problemas prácticos e a obtención de bens e servizos. Esta vertente práctica conecta ao alumno co mundo empresarial dándolle unha visión desas aplicacións no mundo dos negocios o que pode facilitar a súa incorporación ao mercado laboral. Ademais é unha ciencia moi dinámica en continuo crecemento e expansión o que obriga a manterse ao día consultando fontes bibliográficas e artigos de investigación actualizados en lingua inglesa.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A8 Illar, analizar e identificar biomoléculas.
A12 Manipular material xenético, realizar análises xenéticas e levar a cabo asesoramento xenético.
A13 Realizar o illamento e cultivo de microorganismos e virus.
A14 Desenvolver e aplicar produtos e procesos de microorganismos.
A15 Deseñar e aplicar procesos biotecnológicos.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B5 Traballar en colaboración.
B6 Organizar e planificar o traballo.
B8 Sintetizar a información.
C3 Utilizar as ferramentas básicas das tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC) necesarias para o exercicio da súa profesión e para a aprendizaxe ao longo da súa vida.
C4 Desenvolverse para o exercicio dunha cidadanía aberta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática e solidaria, capaz de analizar a realidade, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar solucións baseadas no coñecemento e orientadas ao ben común.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Coñecer as técnicas actuais de Bioloxía Molecular, Enxeñaría metabólica e de proteínas e as súas principais aplicacións. A8
Involucrarse na problemática e oportunidades relacionadas co manexo da biotecnoloxía. A14
Integración dos coñecementos adquiridos en forma separada doutras materias cursadas no tres primeiros anos, con forte exercicio do pensamento crítico. A8
Amplo dominio da linguaxe, as técnicas e as aplicacións da Bioloxía molecular e da Biotecnoloxía. A14
Desenvolvemento da percepción das oportunidades que poden derivarse da aplicación de novas estratexias biotecnolóxicas. A14

Topic Sub-topic
Current concept of biotechnology. History and development of biotechnology. Perspectives.
B1T2.-  BIOTECHNOLOGY OF THE FERMENTATION Classification of microbial fermentations. The traditional fermentation industries. Examples. The operating mode in fermentation processes.
B1T3.-  SOLID STATE CULTURES Concept. Origin and traditional processes. Brackets and used microorganisms. Advantages and disadvantages in relation to the liquid culture. Types of bioreactors. Main applications.
B1T4.-  YEASTS IN BIOTECNOLOGY Importance of yeasts in modern biotechnology industries. The oxido-fermentator metabolism of the yeasts. Models. Incidence of metabolic characteristics on the performance of the processes. The Pasteur effect. The Crabtree effect. Kluyver effect. Ethanol Tolerance.
B1T5.- GENES CLONATION Purposes of the molecular cloning. Basic stages of the gene cloning. To obtain the DNA. DNA fragmentation: restriction enzymes. Union of DNA molecules. Basic techniques: electrophoresis and hybridization.
B1T6.-  CLONATION VECTORS Concept of DNA vector. Organization of the vectors and types
B1T7.-  LIBRARY Concept of library. Gene banks of genomic DNA. cDNA gene banks. Gene banks of expression. Amplification, storage and replication of gene banks. Techniques for the identification of clones. Strategies to confirm the validity of the clone. DNA microarrays.
B1T8.-  TRANSFORMATION Transformation systems. Selection of recombinants. Gene expression and its amplification.
B1T9.-  POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION Fundamentals of the method. Automation. Components and reaction conditions. The design of primers. Fidelity of the reaction. Polymerases. Major variants and their applications
B1T10.-  PRODUCTION OF HETEROLOGOUS PROTEINS IN BACTERIA AND YEATS Selection of micro-organisms. Vectors of expression and/or secretion. Expression in transformed cells. Secretion. Stability. The process of recovery and downstream purification. Industrial applications. Examples.
B1T11.-PRODUCTION OF HETEROLOGOUS PROTEINS IN ANIMAL CELLS Genetic manipulation of animal cells. Vectors of expression and production of proteins in mammalian cells. Expression of proteins mediated by baculovirus in insect cell cultures. Comparison of the industrial production of heterologous proteins in cultures of bacteria, yeasts and animal cells.
B1T12.-  TRANSGENIC ANIMALS Introduction of modified genes into the genome. Pure transgenic and transgenic chimera. Homologous recombination. Specific regulation of transgenes. Gene inactivation. Antisense RNA. Ribozymes. Cell ablation. Applications as study models. Commercial applications. Cloning in mammals.
B1T15.-  GENETIC ENGINEERING OF PLANTS In vitro cultures. Techniques of manipulation. The use of markers in diagnosis, improvement and conservation of biodiversity. Resistance of plants against infections, stress and pests. Plants producing proteins of economic interest. Transgenic plant field trials.
B2T1.-APPLICATIONS OF ENZYMES IN BIOTECHNOLOGY PROCESSES Historical perspective. The development of the enzyme industry.
B2T2.- PRODUCTION OF ENZYMES TO INDUSTRIAL SCALE Source selection of the enzyme. New methods of screening. Extremophiles. Post-fermentation processing.
B2T3.- ENZYMATIC STABILITY Introduction. Industrial importance of enzymatic stability. Factors influencing stability. Models of deactivation. Stabilization of enzymes.
B2T4.- IMMOBILIZATION OF BIOCATALYSTS. GENERALITIES Immobilized biocatalyzer concept. Advantages and disadvantages of the heterogeneous catalysis versus homogeneous catalysis. Historical development. The choice of the biocatalyzer and the method. Cofactors Immobilization. Experimental determination of the enzyme activity with enzymes or immobilized cells.
B2T5.- SYSTEMS OF IMMOBILIZATION Adsorption. Entrapment. Covalent bonding. New immobilization systems based on recombinant DNA technology. The use of enzymes in organic solvents and in two-phase aqueous systems.
B2T6.- EFFECTS OF IMMOBILIZATION ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE BIOCATALYST Effects on the enzyme molecule. Effects of partition and dissemination. Heterogeneous Catalysis with viable cells.
B2T7.- APPLICATIONS OF IMMOBILIZED BIOCATALYSTS Enzyme bioreactors. Use in the food industry. Enzymes immobilized as therapeutic agents. Analytical applications. Artificial organs.
B2T8.- BIOSENSORS Concept. Functional units of a biosensor. Main fields of application. The biological reaction. Types of biosensors.
B2T9.- DESIGN OF PROTEINS Introduction. Engineering versus protein design. Recognition of preserved areas and with important functional in protein families. From de protein sequence to the structure: prediction. Design of new protein structures. Site-directed mutagenesis techniques. Hybrid proteins.
B2T10.- ENGINEERING OF PROTEINS The artificial evolution of proteins. Strategies. Variants of DNA shuffling. Phage and yeast display.
B2T11.- PROTEINS OF DESIGN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOSENSORS Concept of generic biosensor. Modification of proteins to adapt them to its function in biosensors.
B3T1.-PRODUCTION OF MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES Fundamentals. The technique of production of monoclonal antibodies. Applications.
B3T2.- RECOMBINANT MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES Humanized monoclonal antibodies. Design monoclonal antibodies. Construction of catalytic antibodies (abzymes).
B3T3.- STRATEGIES AND METHODS FOR OBTAINING VACCINES Classical systems for the production of vaccines. Antigenic determinants. Subunit vaccines. DNA vaccines. Safety of vaccines derived from biotechnology.
B3T4.- APPLICATIONS OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Heterologous therapeutic proteins. Modified therapeutic proteins. Rational design of drugs. Pharmacogenomics.
B3T5.- MOTHER CELLS Concept. Types. Current state of research and applications.
B3T6.- APPLICATION OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY IN THE FORENSIC MEDICINE Traces of DNA. Analysis of mini-satellite by Southern blotting. PCR-based methodologies.
B3T7.- BIOTECHNOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF MILK WHEY Pollution problem and reuse of milk whey
B3T8.- THE USE OF LIGNOCELULOSIC RESIDUES Importance and possibilities of use.
B3T9.- ETHICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY Safety of the biotechnology industries. The importance of the public opinion. Socio-political guidelines. Intellectual property. Patents. Modern biotechnology regulation: a historical perspective.

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 24 48 72
Seminar 6 18 24
Problem solving 3 3 6
Objective test 2 0 2
Laboratory practice 15 30 45
Personalized attention 1 0 1
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exposición oral complementada co uso de medios audiovisuais coa finalidade de transmitir coñecementos e facilitar a aprendizaxe.
Seminar Técnica de traballo en grupo que ten como finalidade a elaboración de documentos en powerpoint e word, e expostos en clase de seminarios, sobre un tema proposto polo profesor.
Os temas propostos indicaranse durante o desenvolvemento da materia.
Problem solving Técnica mediante a que se ten que resolver unha serie de problemas propostos polo profesor a partir dos coñecementos que se traballaron en clase.
Objective test Exame que avaliará os coñecementos teórico e prácticos adquiridos.
Laboratory practice Metodoloxía que permite que os estudantes aprendan efectivamente a través da realización de actividades de carácter práctico.

Personalized attention
A atención personalizada que se describe en relación a estas metodoloxías concíbense como momentos de traballo presencial do alumno co profesor polo que implican unha participación obrigatoria para o alumno.
A forma e o momento en que se desenvolverá indicarase en relación a cada actividade ao longo do curso segundo o plan de traballo da materia

Methodologies Description Qualification
Seminar Avaliarase o seminario realizado polo alumno tendo en conta a capacidade para a extracción do máis relevante do total da información conseguida, a capacidade para traballar en grupo e a capacidade para expor en público.
Con esta metodoloxía avaliaranse as competencias:
A14, A15
Problem solving O profesor elaborará por cada bloque temático unha serie de cuestionarios con preguntas curtas, definicións de conceptos e ideas e problemas que o alumno terá que resolver individualmente e entregar ao profesor para a súa avaliación.
Con esta metodoloxía avaliaranse as competencias:
A8, A12, A14
Laboratory practice Avaliarase mediante unha proba obxectiva os coñecementos adquiridos durante as clases expositivas e as clases en grupo reducido.
Con esta metodoloxía avaliaranse as competencias:
A8, A12, A13, A14, A15,
Objective test Realizarase unha proba obxectiva para avaliar os coñecementos adquiridos durante a realización das prácticas de laboratorio
Con esta metodoloxía avaliaranse as competencias:
A8, A12, A13
Assessment comments

NON PRESENTADO (XANEIRO): Para obter a cualificación de non presentado, os
alumnos non poderán participar en máis do 20% das actividades avaliables
cualificación de non presentado bastará con non presentarse ás probas
obxectivas. Para a AVALIACIÓN NA CONVOCATORIA DE XULLO manteranse os mesmos
criterios que na convocatoria de Xaneiro: o alumno deberá entregar os boletíns
de problemas resoltos e a presentación power point resumo do seminario así como
realizar as probas obxectivas correspondentes ás sesións maxistrais e prácticas
de laboratorio. A cualificación das partes aprobadas na convocatoria de Xaneiro
manterase na de Xullo.

Sources of information
Basic Thiel, T., Bissen, S. T., Lyons, E. M. (2001). Biotechnology: DNA to Protein. A Laboratory Project in Molecular Biology. .
Walter, J. M. y Gingold. E. B (1997). Biología Molecular y Biotecnología . Zaragoza. Acribia
Perera, J., Tormo, A., García, J. L. (2002). Ingeniería Genética. Vol I. Preparación, análisis, manipulación y clonaje del DNA. . Madrid. Síntesis
Thieman, W. J., Palladino, M. A., Thieman, W. (2004). Introduction to Biotechnology. . Benjamin Cummings, Publisher
González Siso, M. I. (1999). La Biotecnología en el tratamiento de residuos industriales . A Coruña. Universidade da Coruña. Servicio de Publicacións
Wu, W., Welsh, M. J., Kaufman, P. B., Zhang, H. H. (1997). Methods in Gene Biotechnology . CRC Press
Wink, M. (2006). An introduction to molecular Biotechnology: from molecular biological fundamentals to methods and applications in modern biotechnology. Verlag Chemie, GmbH
Ratledge, C. (2002). Basic Biotechnology. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
Cerdán Villanueva, M. E., Freire Picos, M. A., González Siso, M. I. y Rodríguez Torres, A. M. (1997). Biología Molecular. Avances y Técnicas generales . A Coruña. Universidade da Coruña
Barnum, S.R. (2005). Biotechnology: an introduction. Belmont: Thomson
Smith, J. E. (2006). Biotecnología. Zaragoza: Acribia, D.L.
Ninfa, A. J. (2010). Fundamental laboratory approaches for biochemistry and biotechnology. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons
Perera, J., Tormo, A., García, J. L. (2002). Ingeniería Genética. Vol II. Expresión de DNA en sistemas heterólogos.. Madrid. Síntesis
Thieman, W. J. & Palladino, M.A. (2010). Introducción a la Biotecnología. Pearson
Thieman, William J. (2009). Introduction to biotechnology. San Francisco: Pearson
Glick, B. R. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Application of Recombinant DNA. Washington: American Society Microbiology
Christof, M. Niemeyer y Chad A. Mirkin (2004). Nanobiotechnology: concepts, applications and perspectives. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH
Schmid, R. D. (2003). Pocket guide to biotechnology and genetic engineering . Weinheim: Wiley-VCH
Gerd Gellisen Ed. (2005). Production of recombinant proteins: novel microbial and eukaryotic expression systems. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH
Luque, J., Herráez, A. (2001). Texto Ilustrado de Biología Molecular e Ingeniería Genética . Harcourt.
Borem, A., Santos, F. R., Bowen, D. E. (2003). Understanding Biotechnology. . New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR

Complementary Varios (2006). Guía de empresas en el sector biotecnológico español. Madrid: Genoma España


En  Junio  de  2013:  505  entradas  en  el  catálogo  de  la  biblioteca  con  "Biotecnología"  como  palabra  clave.

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Bioquímica: Bioquímica I/610G02011
Bioquímica: Bioquímica II/610G02012
Bioquímica e Bioloxía Molecular/610G02013

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.