Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Automatización de Instalacións Marítimas Code 631G02307
Study programme
Grao en Enxeñaría Mariña
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 2nd four-month period
Third Obligatoria 6
Department Enxeñaría Industrial
Ferreiro Garcia, Ramon
Ferreiro Garcia, Ramon
General description Teniendo en cuenta que se trata de una materia troncal se pretende que el alumno adquiera los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios y suficientes, conducentes a la obtención del título académico que pretende; y en el ejercicio de su profesión, pueda resolver cuantas cuestiones se le presenten en la ingeniería de la supervisión y control de las máquinas e instalaciones industriales.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A15 Manexar correctamente a información procedente da instrumentación e sintonizar controladores, no ámbito da súa especialidade.
A20 Ser capaz de identificar, analizar e aplicar os coñecementos adquiridos nas distintas materias do Grao, a unha situación determinada formulando a solución técnica máis axeitada dende o punto de vista económico, ambiental e de seguridade.
A40 Operar a maquinaria principal e auxiliar e os sistemas de control correspondentes.
A42 Prestar primeiros auxilios a bordo.
A43 Prevención, control e loita contra incendios a bordo.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B4 Traballar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B10 Comunicar por escrito e oralmente os coñecementos procedentes da linguaxe científica.
B11 Capacidade para resolver problemas con iniciativa, toma de decisións, creatividade, razoamento crítico e de comunicar e transmitir coñecementos habilidades e destrezas.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Supervisión das instalacións mariñas A15

Topic Sub-topic
Tema 1: Marine Systems Modeling and Simulation. 1.1. Marine installation and Marine plants architectures.
1.2. Mathematical models of Marine Installations and Control Systems.
1.3. Application of simulation tools.
1.4. Dynamic Simulation of Marine Plants Control Systems.
Tema 2: Marine plants control systems. 2.1. Structure of the marine installation control systems.
2.2. Control algorithms and controller applied on Marine Contol Sistems.

2.3. Practical controllers' tuning methods.

2.4. Adaptive controllers, and optimum tuning parameters.
Tema 3: Advanced control structures applied on Marine control systems. 3.1. Advanced control structures:
3.2. Feedback-cascade control.
3.3. Control por realimentación e adelanto.
3.4. Feedback-feerforward control
3.5. Ratio Control.
3.6. Fuzzy logic controllers.
3.7. Aplications on Marine installations.
3.7.1. Boiler control: level. pressure, combustion control)
3.7.2. Turbine control (Speed and power).
3.7.3. Reciprocating inter nal combustion engin control:( water cooling temp. lube oil temp., speed, acceleration and power control)
3.7.4. Fuel, lube oil and water transfer system control.
3.7.5. Fresh water plant control.
3.7.6. Cargo Control systems, Ballast control, DSteering control, and Dynamic positioning control systems.

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Objective test 5 0 5
Guest lecture / keynote speech 10 120 130
Personalized attention 15 0 15
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Objective test The aim consists of achieving the capacity to design and implement a given marine plant control system proposed by the instructor.
Guest lecture / keynote speech The methidology is centered on appliucations to the supervision of marine installations with the aim of achieve the specific competences and skills.

Personalized attention
Guest lecture / keynote speech
Individually, the aim is to provide the means to find the correct path in those questions regaring the topics of the program.
The main contact channel will consists of the tools provided by the tutor (Virtual faculty, and individual assistance in class-room).

Methodologies Description Qualification
Objective test O alumno deberá deseñar un sistema de control automático para un proceso industrial real proposto polo evaluador 100
Assessment comments

          The evaluation criteria considered in the amendments A-III/1 and  A-III/2 of the STCW  code, as well as related amendments will be taken into account for evaluation tasks.

Sources of information

Astrom, Karl Johan. (1988). Sistemas controlados por computador

Andrés Puente, E. (1986). Regulación automática I, II

Ferreiro García, Ramón. (1999). Nociones dobre control industrial basado en teglas difusas

Ferreiro García. R. (1995). Nociones sobre aplicación de PLC’s al control de procesos industriales. ed. Universidad de A Coruña


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.