Identifying Data 2014/15
Study programme
Grao en Logopedia
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
First FB 6
Department Psicoloxía
Marcos Malmierca, Jose Luis
Marcos Malmierca, Jose Luis
Valle-Inclan Alsina, Fernando del
General description Obxectivos da materia:
- Que os alumnos adquiran os contidos máis relevantes de Psicoloxía Básica para a súa formación logopédica.
- Formación práctica: Análise das implicacións e aplicacións dos contidos, métodos e técnicas ao ámbito da logopedia

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A2 Coñecer e integrar os fundamentos psicolóxicos da Logopedia: o desenvolvemento da linguaxe, o desenvolvemento psicolóxico, a Neuropsicoloxía da linguaxe, os procesos básicos e a Psicolingüística.
B2 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B4 Aprender a aprender.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
A2 Coñecer e integrar os fundamentos psicolóxicos da Logopedia: o desenvolvemento da linguaxe, o desenvolvemento psicolóxico, a Neuropsicoloxía da linguaxe, os procesos básicos e a Psicolingüística. A2
B2 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo. B2
B4 Aprender a aprender. B4
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse. C6

Topic Sub-topic
Item 1. Definition of Basic Psychology (Basic Psychological Processes) Definition of Basic Psychology. Philosophy and Psychology. Scientific paradigms of psychology: Behaviorism and Cognitive Psychology
Item 2. Classical Conditioning Elements of Classical Conditioning.
Basic phenomena. Semantic conditioning. Intervention procedures based on classical conditioning.
Item 3 Instrumental Conditioning Experiment and model of instrumental conditioning. The operant response. Reinforcement. Parameters of instrumental reward conditioning
Item 4. Memory and processing The information processing. Sensory Register. Short Term Memory. Long-term memory.
Item 5. Attention Definition. Capacity models. Models filter. selective Attention
Item 6. Perception Visual perception
Auditory perception
Item 7. Motivation and Emotion. Motivational concepts. Hunger, sexual motivation, need for belonging. Theories of emotion. The emotion in the body. The expression of emotions. The emotional experience.

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Case study 8 24 32
Laboratory practice 15 15 30
Guest lecture / keynote speech 22 44 66
Objective test 2 16 18
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Case study Analyze and resolve cases on issues related to the psychological processes that have been exposed during the keynote sessions
Laboratory practice Practices conducted in both laboratory and interactive class, to reinforce knowledge and understanding of topics of special interest.
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exposure of contents of each issue using multimedia resources
Objective test Test of 30 to 40 multiple-choice questions on the contents exposed and case studies

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
Case study
The student is guided through the steps for the analysis of cases, providing monitoring and final correction

Before the session the student will be informed about each of the phases and will specify their task on it. At the end will show and explain the results

Methodologies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice Attendance at interactive classes and labs 10
Case study A case is presented and 4 or 5 multiple choice questions (included in the objective test) on the analysis and resolution thereof shall be made 15
Objective test About 30 multiple choice questions, of which 4 or 5 of them correspond to a case in order to assess paragraph (or methodology) of "case study" 75
Assessment comments

Attendance, attitude and class participation (theoretical and interactive classes),as well as assistance to laboratory practice, may have a modulating effect of up to 10% of the final grade.

To pass the course, students must obtain a minimum overall score of 5 out of 10 (equivalent to 50% of the total). The overall score is calculated by adding the scores on the objective test (in which questions to assess the case study are included),attendance at laboratory practice and interactive classes and the possible modulating effect of the assistance, attitude and class participation and practices.

Sources of information
Basic Leahey, T. H. y Harris, R. J. (2000). Aprendizaje y cognición. Madrid. Prentice Hall
Caparrós, A. (1979). Introducción histórica a la psicología contemporánea. La psicología, ciencia multiparadigmática. Barcelona. Ediciones Rol
Nilsson, L. G. y Rönnberg, J. (2006). Learning and memory. Hove, England. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis (UK)
Campos, A. (1988). Manual de prácticas de psicología básica . Barcelona. Grupo Editor Universitario
Domjan, M. y Bukhard, B. (2003, 5ª Ed.). Principios de aprendizaje y de conducta. Madrid. Thomson
Smith, E. E. y Kossylin, S. M. (2008). Procesos cognitivos. Madrid. Prentice Hall
Myers, D. G. (2005). Psicología. Madrid. Editorial Médica Panamericana
Ruiz-Vargas, J. M. (1998). Psicología de la memoria. Madrid. Alianza
Marcos, J. L. (1997). Técnicas de condicionamiento humano. Madrid. Universitas

Complementary (). .

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.