Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Terapia Ocupacional, Técnicas Ortoprotésicas y Desempeño Ocupacional Code 653G01208
Study programme
Grao en Terapia Ocupacional
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second Obligatoria 4.5
Department Ciencias da Saúde
Santos del Riego, Sergio Eduardo
Francisco De Miguel, María Isabel
Santos del Riego, Sergio Eduardo
General description Esta materia pretende o desenvolvemento de competencias que permitan ao alumnado comprender e aplicar os coñecementos e técnicas relacionados coa Terapia Ocupacional, técnicas ortoprotésicas e desempeño ocupacional.
Descriptores: Fundamentos da autonomía persoal nas actividades da vida diaria con e sen adaptacións e/ou axudas técnicas. Ortesis e Prótese.
Coñecemento e capacidade para aplicar Técnicas Ortoprotésicas dentro do contexto da Terapia Ocupacional.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A1 Explicar la relación entre el funcionamiento ocupacional, la salud y el bienestar.
A2 Explicar los conceptos teóricos que sostienen la terapia ocupacional, expresamente la naturaleza ocupacional de los seres humanos y su funcionamiento a través de las ocupaciones.
A3 Sintetizar y aplicar el conocimiento relevante de ciencias biológicas, médicas, humanas, psicológicas, sociales, tecnológicas y ocupacionales, junto con las teorías de ocupación y participación.
A4 Analizar las complejidades de aplicar teorías formales y evidencia de investigación en relación con la ocupación en el contexto de una sociedad en cambio.
A6 Trabajar en la sociedad con individuos y grupos para fomentar la promoción de la salud, la prevención, la rehabilitación y el tratamiento.
A7 Escoger, modificar y aplicar teorías apropiadas, modelos y métodos de la práctica para encontrar la ocupación según las necesidades de salud de individuos/poblaciones.
A9 Utilizar el potencial terapéutico de la ocupación a través del uso de la actividad y el análisis y síntesis ocupacional.
A10 Adaptar y aplicar el proceso de terapia ocupacional en estrecha colaboración de individuos/población.
A11 Trabajar para facilitar entornos accesibles y adaptados y promover la justicia ocupacional.
A12 Colaborar con comunidades para promover la salud y el bienestar de sus miembros mediante la participación en la ocupación.
A14 Valorar críticamente la práctica de la terapia ocupacional para asegurar que el foco está sobre la ocupación y el funcionamiento ocupacional.
A15 Trabajar según los principios de la práctica centrada en el cliente.
A17 Establecer sociedades de colaboración, consultar y aconsejar a clientes, trabajadores sociales, miembros de equipo y otros en la práctica de la ocupación y la participación.
A18 Colaborar con clientes para abogar al derecho de tener sus necesidades ocupacionales satisfechas.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamiento crítico, lógico y creativo.
B4 Trabajar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B5 Trabajar de forma colaborativa.
B6 Comportarse con ética y responsabilidad social como ciudadano y como profesional.
B7 Comunicarse de manera efectiva en un entorno de trabajo.
B8 Capacidad de análisis y de síntesis.
B9 Capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos a la práctica.
B10 Conocimientos básicos de la profesión.
B11 Capacidad para trabajar en un equipo interdisciplinar.
B12 Conocimientos generales básicos sobre el área de estudio.
B13 Resolución de problemas.
B16 Habilidad para trabajar de manera autónoma.
B18 Planificación y gestión del tiempo.
B26 Capacidad para adaptarse a nuevas situaciones.
B27 Capacidad para generar nuevas ideas.
B28 Toma de decisiones.
B29 Trabajo en equipo.
B35 Iniciativa y espíritu emprendedor.
B36 Preocupación por la calidad.
B37 Motivación.
C4 Desarrollarse para el ejercicio de una ciudadanía abierta, culta, crítica, comprometida, democrática y solidaria, capaz de analizar la realidad, diagnosticar problemas, formular e implantar soluciones basadas en el conocimiento y orientadas al bien común.
C5 Entender la importancia de la cultura emprendedora y conocer los medios al alcance de las personas emprendedoras.
C6 Valorar críticamente el conocimiento, la tecnología y la información disponible para resolver los problemas con los que deben enfrentarse.
C7 Asumir como profesional y ciudadano la importancia del aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida.
C8 Valorar la importancia que tiene la investigación, la innovación y el desarrollo tecnológico en el avance socioeconómico y cultural de la sociedad.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Know and familiarise to the student with the concepts of ortesis and prosthesis and with the use of the technical ortoprotésicas from a perspective rehabilitadora and occupational that was functional for the user and that respect and guarantee the half sustainability-environmental. A2
Sintetizar and apply the notable knowledge of the technical ortoprotésicas in the occupational dysfunction of a sustainable way to effects to use the therapeutic potential maximum, preparing to the student to buy (just trade), evaluate and adapt functionally the ortesis, prosthesis, products of support and adaptations like occupational therapeutic resource for the functional improvement of the user and an adecuación facilitadora in the surroundings. A1
Value críticamente the practice of the Occupational Therapy and satisfy the occupational needs of the user with physical disability in matter of ortoprótesis, boosting that the student recognise the ortesis, prosthesis, products of support and adaptations like an occupational therapeutic resource to improve the functionality and the exert occupational in a frame of sustainable development. A1
Improve the capacities like professional and like person of the student of Occupational Therapy, promoting the critical reflection on the relation between the use of the ortesis, prosthesis, products of support and adaptations in the exert occupational and the social roles of some sustainable surroundings. A3
Improve in skills and generic attitudes that favour the personal development and professional of the student of Occupational Therapy, qualifying him especially in the preparation of splints, products of support and other adaptations, considering appearances of just and responsible trade and of half sustainability-environmental, very especially with the materials employed in the realisation of these devices. A3

Topic Sub-topic
Subject 1.- Occupational therapy, technical ortoprotésicas and exert occupational.
Profs. Sergio Santos del Riego and Isabel Francisco of Miguel.
Initial activities.

Generalities and concepts from the occupational perspective.
Ortesis And Prosthesis like occupational therapeutic resource.
Materials employees in ortoprótesis in Occupational Therapy.
Importance of the terapeuta occupational in the functional adaptation of the person with discapacidade employing techniques ortoprotésicas.

Handle of the Ortoprótesis in the team interdisciplinar.

Subject 2.- Ortesis of vertebral column.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Subject 3.- Ortesis and Prótesis of upper member.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Subject 4.- Ortesis and Prótesis of inferior member.
Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego.
Subject 5.- Products of Support and Adaptations in Occupational Therapy.
Profª. Isabel Francisco de Miguel.
General ranking ISO of the Products of Support (Technical Helps).
Adaptations in Occupational Therapy: Generalities.
Subject 6.- Practical:
Profª. Isabel Francisco de Miguel.
Basic principles stop the manufacture of ortesis in Occupational Therapy.
Types of existing materials employees in the manufacture of ortesis and prosthesis.
Manufacture of different ortesis of interest in Occupational Therapy with diverse material.
Manufacture of a folder of personnel of ortesis where specify : type, utilization, maintenance, functions and other aspects of occupational interest.
Design and manufacture of a product of support.
Preparation of material and manufacture of férulas.

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 15 30 45
Laboratory practice 50 10 60
Mixed objective/subjective test 2 0 2
Introductory activities 1.5 0 1.5
Personalized attention 4 0 4
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech The kind maxistral is also known like "conference", "method expositivo" or "lesson maxistral". This last modality usually reserve it a special type of lesson imparted by a professor in special occasions, with a contained that it supposes an original manufacture and based in the almost exclusive use of the word like road of transmission of the information to the audience.

Related fundamentally with the specific competitions reflected in the program.

Laboratory practice Methodology that allows that the students learn sure enough through the realization of activities of practical character, such as demonstrations, exercises, experiments and investigations.

Related fundamentally with the generic and specific competitions reflected in the program.
Mixed objective/subjective test It tests that it integrates questions type of proofs of essay and questions type of objective proofs.
Regarding questions of essay, collects developmental open questions. Besides, in song objective questions, can combine questions of multiple answer, of ordination, of brief answer, of discrimination, to complete and/or of association.
Introductory activities Activities that carry out before initiating any process of teaching-learning to know the competitions, interests and/or motivations that possesses the students stop the attainment of the objective that want to reach , linked it a formative program. With her intends to obtain information relevante that allow to articulate the docencia to favour effective and significant learnings, that split of the know previous of the students.

It allows to purchase specific and generic competitions of start and adaptation previously to the the competitions assigned in this subject.

Personalized attention
Laboratory practice
The attention customized will do, globally, by means of tutorías customized direct and virtual, individual and grupales.

Methodologies Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech Evaluation with modality of mixed proof. 0
Laboratory practice Second criteria that will establish the professor at the beginning of the course before beginning the kinds.
Mixed objective/subjective test Examen Theoretical, Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego, on 3 points.
The examen theoretical, Profª. Isabel Francisco de Miguel, on 1 point, will be integrated together with the evaluación practical, that conviértese in theorist-practical on 7 points, with the determined determining that they will explain in this same guide.
Assessment comments

The evaluation of the subject will realize by means of a process of continuous evaluation (practices and theoretical partial proof) and an examination theoretical final.

The evaluation will do of the following way:

1.- PRACTICAL CONTINUOUS EVALUATION-THEORETICAL, Profª. Isabel Francisco de Miguel, Punctuation Fixes: 70% (7 points).

- PRACTICAL: On 6 points.

Considerandos And Criteria of Evaluation on them Practical:

On Material that have to attach the students:

- A towel, some scissors, a folder, folios, a metre, markers (an indeleble), a cuter.

- Knife, tenedor and spoon, brush hair, key, go in others that will inform , stop the realization of products of support.

On Laboratory of Practical:

- Mandatory assistance and take part in teaching activities. Any absence of senior cause has to be let know previously and justificada documentalmente a posteriori in the most brief term possible.

- Recognize, handle and work with the different materials termoplásticos.

- Understanding, development and realization in the process of design of patterns.

- Confección And manufacture of férulas.

- Confección And manufacture of products of support-initiative concerning other products of support.

- Dedicación It was of the time of kind like personal work stop the realization of the portafolios.

On final Result, evaluation:

- Realization of patterns. Presentation in CD of the realization of the patterns and of the theory of the férulas that present .

- Férula Of repouso in functional position, Férula of repouso antiespástica, Férula syndrome tunel carpiano, Férula of Quervain, Férula of the pulgar, Férula of Mallet and Férula in I.

- Products of Support and Adaptations realized in the feeding (knife, tenedor, spoon), in the aséo (brush of teeth, peite, ...) And another to choose.

- Portafolios With the patterns of the realized in the subject.

- Work of férulas and products of support realized and presented in a box (precintada) with name and surnames of the student.
- THEORY: On 1 point.

- Assessment of theoretical knowledges by means of proof written. The professor will determine place and date stop the partial proof.

2.- THEORETICAL FINAL EXAME, Prof. Sergio Santos del Riego, Variable Punctuation: 30% (3 points).


It.- Sumatorio Of the previously expressed parts, with the following considerandos:

- In the evaluation continued practical theorist owes to have a minimum of 4 points (on 7). The practices evaluate on 6 points. The theory evaluates on 1 point. If the student obtains 0.5 or more qualification in the theory, the punctuation sum to the qualification of practical. If the student obtains less of 0.5, will subtract of the qualification of practices of the following way:

Students with 0.4 in the theory, will subtract 0.6 of the qualification of practical.

Students with 0.3 in the theory, will subtract 0.7 of the qualification of practical.

Students with 0.2 in the theory, will subtract 0.8 of the qualification of practical.

Students with 0.1 in the theory, will subtract 0.9 in the qualification of practical.

Students with 0 in the theory, will subtract 1 point in the qualification of practical.

Students no presented to the theory, will have a qualification of no presented in the continuous evaluation.

- In the evaluation of the examination theoretical final will be necessary a 1.5 (on 3) to realize the sumatorio with the qualification that obtain  of the definitive continuous evaluation (punctuation fixes).

b.-The practices are mandatory. The absence in practices, without justificar or justificadas, of a number or percentage that will establish the professor to the beginning of the course on it total or well of hours or well of kinds supposes one no presented or a suspenso of the subject, as context.

c.- The no presented or suspenso in the punctuation fixes does not preclude to presented to the announcement of the second edition (July). In this announcement will realize, with one high level of demand, a theoretical examination-practical, court or similar (on 7 points), to criterion of the professors, and a theoretical examination (on 3 points).

d.- The professors will deliver his qualifications REVIEWED, according to valid legal rule of reviews of examinations, in the term established put responsible professor of the subject, that will be the half of the official term marked in the Reitorado stop the closing and signature of acta in the application computing.

e.- The manager of the subject will realize the last considerations contextuales and institutional and will proceed to the introduction of the final qualifications in the application computing and to the signature of the proceedings.

The system of qualifications will express by means of numerical qualification in accordance with the established in the art. 5 of the Real Decree 1125/2003 of 5 of September (BOE 18 of September), by the that establishes  the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in the university qualifications of official character and validity in all the national territory System of qualifications: 0-4.9=Suspenso 5-6.9=Approved 7-8.9=Remarkable 9-10=Sobresaliente 9-10 Matrícula of Honour (Graciable).

To help to achieve some sustainable immediate surroundings and fulfil the strategic objective 9 of the I Plan of Sustainability Half-environmental Green Campus FCS, the works documentales that they realize in this subject:

It.- Mayoritariamente they will request in virtual format and bear informático.

b.- To realize  in paper:

- No they will use  plastic.
- They will realize impressions to double expensive.
- It will employ paper recycled.
- It will avoid the realization of drafts.

Sources of information

Prótesis, órtesis y ayudas técnicas. Ramón Zambudio Periago. Barcelona: Elsevier Masson, 2009. ISBN978-84-458-1969-27.

Rehabilitación física. Susan B. O´Sulllivan. Badalona: Paidotribo, 2013. ISBN 978-84-9910-166-8.

Guía de uso y prescripción de productos ortoprotésicos a medida. Enrique Viosca Herrero, 2ª ed. Valencia: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2004. ISBN 9788492397433.

Innovación para la mejora de la autonomía pesonal: Premio IBV-ORTOPROTEC, primera edición (2009). Valencia: Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia (IBV), 2010. ISBN 978-84-95448-16-3.

Ortopedia y Traumatología: revisión sistemática. Mark D. Miller. Barcelona: Elsevier, 2009. ISBN 978-84-8086-477-0.

Living with a below-knee amputatioin a unique insight from a prosthetist/amputee. Richard Riley. Thorofare: SLACK, 2005. ISBN 1-55642-692-5.

Prótesis articulares nuevas perspectivas. EC. Rodríguez Merchán. Madrid: Médica Panamericana, 2005. ISBN 84-7903-400-9.

Amputación de extremidad inferior y discapacidad. Prótesis y rehabilitación. Miguel Ángel González Viejo. Barcelona: Masson, 2005. ISBN 84-458-1513-X.

Guía descriptiva de ortoprótesis. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Centro de publicaciones, 2000. ISBN 84-7670-652-9.

Prosthetic and orthotics. Donald Shurr. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000. ISBN 088581331.

R. Viladot, O. Cohi, S. Clavell (1991). Ortesis y prótesis del aparatro locomotor. Editorial Masson (4 tomos: columna vertebral, extremidad superior y dos de extremidad inferior).

Guía descriptiva de ortoprótesis. Consejo inteterritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo (tres tomos: Tomo I: sillas de ruedas, prótesis especiales y órtesis de columna vertebral; Tomo II: órtesis de miembro superior e inferior; Tomo III: prótesis externas e internas de miembro superior e inferior).

Orthotics and prosthetics in rehablitation. Michelle M. Lusardi, New York: Elsevier, 2013. ISBN 9781437719369.

Saber mirar: percepción social de las ayudas técnicas. Madrid: Centro Estatal de Autonomía Personal y Ayudas Técnicas, 2004. DLM 52522-2004.

Ayudas técncias y discapacidad. Elaborado por la Asociación de Usuarios de Prótesis y Ayudas Técnicas (AUPA). Madrid: Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad, 2005. ISBN 84-609-5203-7.

Guía de orientación en la práctica profesional de la valoración reglamentaria de la situación de dependencia: productos de apoyo para la autonomía personal. Margarita Sebastián Herranz. Madrid: IMSERSO, 2012.

¡Pregúntame sobre accesibilidad y ayudas técnicas¡. Madrid: IMSERSO, 2005. ISBN 84-95448-11-4.

Ayudas técnicas y discapacidad, número 15, colección CERMI.

Catálogo general de ayudas técnicas. CEAPAT.

Alcantud Marín, F. y Ferrer Manchón, A.M. (1998). Ayudas técnicas para estudiantes con discapacidades físicas y sensoriales: Las tecnologías de ayuda. En Rivas, F. y López, M.L. Asesoramiento vocacional a estudiantes con minusvalías físicas y sensoriales. Valencia. Universitat de València.Servei de publicacións.

MUSA/IBV. Método para la selección de ayudas técnicas bajo criterios de usabilidad. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia, 2003.

Servicio de daño cerebral del  Hospital Aita Menni (2005):Manual de ayudas técnicas. Berekintza [et al.]. Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia. Guía deuso y prescripción de productos ortoprotésicos a medida. IBV: Valencia, 1999.

Bové, Toni (2000). El vendaje funcional. Ediciones Harcourt, Madrid.

Norkin-White (2006). Goniometría, evaluación de la movilidad articular. Marban libros, Madrid.

Peterson Kendall, Florence [et al.]: Kendall´s, músculos, pruebas funcionales, postura y dolor. Marban libros, Madrid.


Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus

Other comments

1.- To help to achieve some sustainable immediate surroundings and fulfil the strategic objective 9 of the I Plan of Sustainability Half-environmental Green Campus FCS, the works documentales que realize in this subject:

a.- Mayoritariamente they will request in virtual format and bear informático.

b.- To realize  in paper:

- No they will use  plastic.
- They will realize impressions to double expensive.
- It will employ paper recycled.
- It will avoid the realization of drafts.

2.- The responsible professor reserves  the possibility to realize any change in evaluation or other aspects that will be notified to the students with the sufficient advance.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.