Identifying Data 2014/15
Subject (*) Bioquímica: Bioquímica II Code 610G02012
Study programme
Grao en Bioloxía
Descriptors Cycle Period Year Type Credits
Graduate 1st four-month period
Second FB 6
Department Bioloxía Celular e Molecular
Freire Picos, María Ángeles
Barreiro Alonso, Aida Inés
Cerdan Villanueva, Maria Esperanza
Freire Picos, María Ángeles
Gonzalez Siso, Maria Isabel
Lamas Maceiras, Mónica
Rico Díaz, Agustin
General description Os contidos da asignatura proporcionan ó estudante a información básica das reaccións bioquímicas, catálisise, e metabolismo. O seu estudo no segundo curso do grado permitirá ó alumno ter o coñecemento básico necesario para comprende-los mecanismos moleculares que rexen moitas respostas nos seres vivos.

Study programme competencies
Code Study programme competences
A8 Illar, analizar e identificar biomoléculas.
A10 Avaliar actividades metabólicas.
A26 Deseñar experimentos, obter información e interpretar os resultados.
A29 Impartir coñecementos de Bioloxía.
A30 Manexar adecuadamente instrumentación científica.
A31 Desenvolverse con seguridade nun laboratorio.
B1 Aprender a aprender.
B2 Resolver problemas de forma efectiva.
B3 Aplicar un pensamento crítico, lóxico e creativo.
B4 Traballar de forma autónoma con iniciativa.
B5 Traballar en colaboración.
B7 Comunicarse de maneira efectiva nunha contorna de traballo.
B10 Exercer a crítica científica.
B11 Debater en público.
B13 Comportarse con ética e responsabilidade social como cidadán e como profesional.
C6 Valorar criticamente o coñecemento, a tecnoloxía e a información dispoñible para resolver os problemas cos que deben enfrontarse.
C7 Asumir como profesional e cidadán a importancia da aprendizaxe ao longo da vida.
C8 Valorar a importancia que ten a investigación, a innovación e o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico no avance socioeconómico e cultural da sociedade.

Learning aims
Subject competencies (Learning outcomes) Study programme competences
Understand and describe the mechanisms by which the Enzymes act in biological catalysis. To design, combining and using the methodology of the practical course and theoretical classes, systems to purify and analyse enzymes. To know the importance of the pathways to obtain energy in the biological systems to maintain life. To know the main metabolic pathways in the cell and its regulation. Develop the capability to relate the different metabolic pathways. A8

Topic Sub-topic
1. Biological Enzymes as catalysts. Structural features that give them advantages over chemical catalysts. Reaction mechanisms. Antibodies as catalysts. Ribozymes.
2. Kinetics of chemical reactions. Monosubstrate reactions and Michaelis-Menten kinetics Transformation of the Michaelis- Menten equation. Bisubstrate reaction kinetics. Irreversible inhibitors; binding, examples and applications. Reversible Inhibition: types of inhibition. Kinetics in the presence of inhibitors.

3. Regulation of enzymatic activity. Importance of regulation in metabolism. Allosteric enzymes. Covalent modification. Isoenzymes. Zymogens or proenzymes.
4. Methodology for determination of enzyme activities. Direct and indirect assays. Purification of enzymes: specific activity, yield and purification factor. Importance and current applications of enzymology.
5. Introduction to Metabolism.
Anabolic and catabolic pathways. Compartmentalization. Need for coordination and interaction between the different routes, and variability among species. Levels of obtaining energy. Methodology for the study of metabolic pathways. Levels of study.
6. Transport of metabolites across cell membranes.
Types of transport depending on the energy sources. Structural data. Examples with specific metabolites
7. Obtaining chemical energy.
Oxidation reduction in energy production. Coenzymes involved. Generation of ATP: substrate-level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthetic phosphorylation and energy production systems. Detailed study of oxidative phosphorylation and photosynthetic phosphorylation.
8: Glycolysis and catabolism of hexoses.
Location of the routes. Stages and pathway regulation. Fermentations. Relationship with the pentose phosphate pathway.
9: TCA cycle
Location of the route. Conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. Study of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and interaction with other routes. Anaplerotic routes, importance of mitochondrial shuttles and balances.
10. Gluconeogenesis.
Definition and localization, metabolic need for this route. Gluconeogenesis from: pyruvate, lactate, amino acids and triglycerides. Glyoxylate cycle.
11. "Dark Phase" of photosynthesis. Relationship with gluconeogenesis. The Calvin cycle. Photorespiration. Regulation. The C4 pathway of tropical plants. The crassulacean acid metabolism. Sucrose metabolism and starch.
12. Glycogen metabolism.
The reserve polysaccharide glycogen. Biosynthesis and degradation of muscle and liver glycogen. Regulation. The role of the liver in the maintenance of blood glucose. Congenital anomalies of glycogen metabolism
13. Lipid Metabolism.
Lipid catabolism: lipolysis, beta-oxidation. Biosynthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides, membrane lipids and steroids. Regulation of lipid metabolism. Metabolism of ketone bodies.
14. Metabolism of amino acids.
Digestion and degradation of intracellular proteins. Nitrogen removal of amino acids: transamination, deamination. Urea cycle. Ammonia transport to the liver. Fate of the carbon skeleton of amino acids. Amino acid biosynthesis: origin of nitrogen and carbon skeleton. regulation
15. Derivatives of amino acids.
Amino acid precursor functions: Amines with biological activity, glutathione, porphyrins. Metabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. regulation
16. Integration of metabolism.

Metabolic profiling of major organs. Key connections between routes: glucose-6-phosphate, pyruvate and acetyl CoA. Metabolic adaptations to stress. Fasting, exercise.
17. Hormonal regulation of metabolism.

Hormones as chemical messengers. Second messengers. Metabolic targets of hormone action. Hormone receptors. Adenylate cyclase system. Phospholipase system. Receptor dimerization

Methodologies / tests Ordinary class hours Student’s personal work hours Total hours
Guest lecture / keynote speech 24 60 84
Problem solving 8 16 24
Laboratory practice 15 22.5 37.5
Mixed objective/subjective test 2 0 2
Personalized attention 2.5 0 2.5
(*)The information in the planning table is for guidance only and does not take into account the heterogeneity of the students.

Methodologies Description
Guest lecture / keynote speech Exposición oral complementada co uso de medios audiovisuais e a introdución de algunhas preguntas dirixidas aos estudantes, coa finalidade de transmitir coñecementos e facilitar a aprendizaxe.
A clase maxistral é tamén coñecida como “conferencia”, “método expositivo” ou “lección maxistral”. Esta última modalidade sóese reservar a un tipo especial de lección impartida por un profesor en ocasións especiais, cun contido que supón unha elaboración orixinal e baseada no uso case exclusivo da palabra como vía de transmisión da información á audiencia.
Problem solving Técnica mediante a que se ten que resolver unha situación problemática concreta, a partir dos coñecementos que se traballaron, que pode ter máis dunha posible solución.
Laboratory practice Metodoloxía que permite que os estudantes aprendan efectivamente a través da realización de actividades de carácter práctico, tales como demostracións, exercicios, experimentos e investigacións.
Mixed objective/subjective test Exame que integra preguntas tipo de probas de ensaio, preguntas tipo de probas obxetivas así como resolución de casos e problemas.

Personalized attention
Mixed objective/subjective test
We will be available (and recommend) for personalized tutorials, and review of exams.

Methodologies Description Qualification
Problem solving Student´s work in reduced groups and controls.

Competencie A29 will be evaluated.
Laboratory practice Participation in the clases and Exam.

Competencies: A8, A10, A26, A30, A31, will be evaluated.
Mixed objective/subjective test The knowledgements aquired by the students in both, the master clases and the problem solving will be evaluated.

Competences A8 and A10 will be evaluated
Assessment comments
In January and July, the practical course will be evaluated in a practical exam, independent of the "Mixed test". For those that passed the practical course in January (but not other parts) the numerical note will be saved until July.

It´s necessary to pass the three parts: problems, practical course and exam independently to pass the subject.
The numerical value of the practical part is valid only in January and July.

For the final note (in January) if the sum of the notes is higher than 5 but any of the parts failed, in the final calification it will show up a 4,9 and it will be necessary to repeat this part in July.
The assistance to the practical course is mandatory.
In order to have a Non-presented, the students shouldn´t participate in more than 10% of the programmed parts.
In July it will be possible to recover the 100% of the subject value with the exams of practical course (15%) and Mixed test (85%).

Sources of information
Basic (). .
Stryer, Berg y Tymoczko (2009). Bioquímica 6ª Edn. Reverte
Feduchi, Blasco, Romero y Yáñez (2011). Bioquímica, conceptos esenciales. Panamericana
Lehninger, Nelson y Cox (2006). Principios de Bioquímica. Omega
Others that will be included in the moodle platform.
Complementary Melo y Cuamatzi (2004). Bioquímica de los procesos metabólicos. Reverté-UAM Xochimilco

Subjects that it is recommended to have taken before
Bioquímica e Bioloxía Molecular/610G02013
Fundamentos bioquímicos de biotecnoloxía/610G02014

Subjects that are recommended to be taken simultaneously

Subjects that continue the syllabus
Bioquímica: Bioquímica I/610G02011

Other comments
We inform that to be honored with "matrícula" the best qualifyed students in the first oportunity (January) will have preference. Drinks or food are not allowed in the classroom. To Pass succesfully the subject is necessary to pass each of the parts: Exams, practical course and Activities in reduced group. We recommend the assistence to the reduced groups and the personal tutorials to increase the student´s succes.

(*)The teaching guide is the document in which the URV publishes the information about all its courses. It is a public document and cannot be modified. Only in exceptional cases can it be revised by the competent agent or duly revised so that it is in line with current legislation.