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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Lingua Inglesa 3
Temas Subtemas
(Ver o apartado "Fontes de Información" para coñecer o libro de texto do que se extraen os seguintes temas)
1. Let's talk: Communication and friendship, an introduction to methods of presentation of oneself. A consideration of the family in traditional and modern settings
a. Make a good impression.
b. Friends: the new family?
c. Favourite sayings
d. Grammar: Review of verb forms, cleft constructions, what vs which , explaining and paraphrasing, homophones.
2. Remarkable!; Impressive and unusual people, with considerations of intelligence, creativity, originality. Impressive places: experiences of impressive spots inside and outside the United Kingdom. a. Exceptional people
b. Memorable places
c. Spoilt for choice
d. Grammar: Relative clauses with prepositions, intensifying adverbs, participle clauses, adjective word order.
3. Well-being; Successful living, what is it? Arrogance, responsibility and domination of others; Preventive measures as a way to health. Lying as a strategy: role-play.
a. Being confident
b. A happy healthy life
c. It's the way you say it.
d: Grammar: Introductory it, inversion, phrasal verbs
4. Civilised; Society, media and technology. Cities and technology: the increasing importance of the city in the modern world. Alternative focuses in news stories. a. Society and the media
b. Cities and technology
c. Making a splash (the language of the media)
d. Grammar: Synonyms, future in the past
5. It's just a job!; The world of work, Working with celebrities, or acting as an extra. Youth and success, or the lack of success. Conversational strategies when talking about work situations. a. Behind the glamour
b. The young ones
c. Priorities
d. Grammar: Word-formation, reflexive pronouns, collocations and infinitive vs. ing
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