Guia docenteCurso
Facultad de Filología
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Técnicas de Redacción e Argumentación
Temas Subtemas
1. Becoming an author - Authoring is more than writing.
- Different models.
- Managing readers' expectations.
- Defining the central questions.
- Doing original work.
2. Planning the macro-structure - Focusing down or opening out.
- Four patterns of explanation.
- Common punctuation, spacing and editing mistakes.
3. Planning the micro-structure - The word: false friends, register, and linking words.
- The sentence: the clause, the phrase, common grammatical errors.
- The paragraph: opening and closing down, main ideas, connectors...
- The paragraph and the thesis statement.
- Handling starts and finishes.
- Sections, heading and subheadings.
4. Writing clearly: style and register - Personal and formal letters, cvs, summaries and reviews, emails,...
- Academic writing: the thesis statement.
5. Referencing Issues - The MLA Style Manual.
- The Chicago Style Manual.
- The A.P.A. Style Manual.
- Effective referencing.
6. Developing your text and managing the writing process - Drafting, upgrading, and remodelling your text.
- Organizing the writing process.
7. Handling attention points: data, charts and graphs - Using diagrams and images.
- Other techniques for data reduction.
- Designing charts and graphs.
8. Being successful at oral presentations - Techniques
- Common visual aids: powerpoint, prezi, blogs, video cv, youtube,...
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