Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Economía e Empresa
  Inicio | galego | A A |  
Grao en Ciencias Empresariais
  Inglés Empresarial
Temas Subtemas
Introduction to Business English i. Numbers
ii. Word stress
iii. Word groups
iv. Describing trends or movements in graphs
v. Glossary
Unit 1. The three sectors of the economy The economic infrastructure
Manufacturing and services
Graphs, charts
Unit 2. Management Management - an art or a science?
Peter Drucker's view of management
The retail sector
Unit 3. Company structure How are companies organized?
Describing company structure
Competition and communication
Big and small companies
Unit 4. Work and motivation Work and responsibility
Douglas McGregor's theory X and theory Y
Frederick Herzberg's theory on 'satisfiers' and 'motivators'
Motivating staff
Unit 5. Management and cultural diversity Cultural attitudes
Managing multinationals
You and your culture
Unit 6. Recruitment Filling a vacancy
Job applications
Covering letter and curriculum vitae
Women in management
Unit 7. Production and products Production decisions
Just in time production
Product policy
Developing a new product
Unit 8. Marketing and promotion Defining marketing
The importance of market research
Ways of advertising: commercials
Promotional strategies
Unit 9. The business cycle What causes the business cycle?
Economic theory and the business cycle
Unit 10. Economics and ecology Ecology and the individual consumer
Measuring eco-efficiency
Pollution and market solutions
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