Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Ciencias
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Grao en Química
  Química Inorgánica 4
Methodologies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice The preparation and execution of the experimental part (laboratory practice) will represent 80% of the final mark. The approximate breakdown of this part is:
1. Instructor's assessment of lab skills (planning, time management, skill and confidence in practical work) and results of the synthesis and characterization (20%).
2. Preparation of each experiment, interpretation of the results and conclusions reached (assessed by personal interview) (35%).
3. Oral presentations of the work carried out in the laboratory (15%).
4. Laboratory notebook and reports on each experiment (30%).
Supervised projects The literatura review to prepare the experiments, the results of the experimental work and the conclusions reached will be assessed by personal interview.
(Its approximate contribution to the overall mark is described in the previous section).
Oral presentation In the oral presentation of the "Laboratory practice", the instructor will assess the analysis of the results and the conclusions, and the active participation of the students in the discussion after each presentation.
(Its approximate contribution to the overall mark is given above).
Summary The laboratory notebook and the reports will also be assessed.
(Its approximate contribution to the overall mark is given above).
Mixed objective/subjective test Tratarase dunha proba escrita que incluirá cuestións e problemas numéricos relacionados coa materia. 20
Assessment comments

This is a course with much experimental work. Therefore, attendance to all scheduled classes is mandatory.

First opportunity (June): The maximum score
is 10 points, and passing the course requires a minimum of 5 points. In each of the
assessed parts, it is required a minimum of 40% of the maximum score possible
for that part. The assessment process
will start when the student begins the work in the lab.
Thus, every student that reaches this stage will obtain a mark even if the
different activities of the course, including the laboratory practice, are not

Second opportunity (July): The maximum score is 10 points, and passing the course requires obtaining 5 points. Students
will be assessed by an objective
test, from which students can obtain up to 2 points, and a laboratory
practice test (which counts
for a maximum of 8 points). The practical test will
consist of the preparation and
execution of a laboratory
experiment using the same criteria
detailed in the "methodology"
section, with the exception that the preparation
of the experiment will not be tutored. An inappropriate preparation of the
experimental work will result in a negative assessment (failed course) before beginning the laboratory work.

From the time the student begins the
preparation of the experiments, or
the realization of the objective test, it is considered that decided to be assessed, and therefore those students that reach these stages will obtain a
mark even if the different activities of the course are not completed.

can get up to an additional point on the basis of engagement, interest and participation
in the various activities of the course.
This qualification will only be added to the
final grade if the students get a minimum
of 4 points (out of a maximum of 10) for the whole

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes