Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Ciencias
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Grao en Química
  Ciencia de Materiais
Methodologies Description Qualification
Guest lecture / keynote speech Aspects that will be taken into account: extent of previous preparation, of follow-up and of active participation 0
Seminar Aspects that will be taken into account: the work done by the students, their answers, their level of knowledge and their active participation in debates with the other students .
Events academic / information Aspects that will be taken into account: the conclusions that the students have extracted from these activities and that they should also refect in a written summary that they will have to present afterwards.
Laboratory practice The work done in the lab will be assessed from the point of view of: organization and security, knowledge of material and techniques, working skills, and specially degree of understanding and rationalization of observed facts on a scientific basis. The previous preparation of this work and the laboratory notebook will be also taken into account in this evaluation.
Although the grade will be based on a continuous evaluation, in particular cases the teacher can also carry out an exam.
Problem solving Aspects that will be taken into account: the response of the students and their active participation in presencial activities. Occasionally, and if requested by the teacher, the students should submit their answers to selected questions, that can also be evaluated.
Supervised projects In the tutoring sessions associated to the activity "Trabajos tutelados" the teacher will not only guide the students but will also evaluate all aspects related to their preparation for the work in the Lab (in fact the student will not be allowed to start the work in the Lab until he/she have done a goodenough previous preparation), for the case studies , etc. 0
Mixed objective/subjective test This final exam, that will take place at the end of the semester, can contain: questions to develop, short questions, a test and problems that will be similar to those solved during the Course. 0
Assessment comments

The final grade will result from the addition of the following partial contributions:

- Final exam ("Prueba mixta"): up to a maximun of 6 points.

-Activities carried out during the different sessions (seminars, exercises, tutoring sessions, scientif events, etc): up to a maximum of 2 points.

-Laboratory sessions: up to a maximum of 2 points.

To pass this subject aminimum of 5 points will be required, with the restriction that in the final exam ("prueba mixta") aminimum of 2.4 (over a maximum of 6) will be necessary as well as a minimum of 0.8 (over a maximum of 2) in the laboratory sessions. If these minima are not achieved the studentt will fail.

As the assessment of this subject is based on a continuous evaluation model, the progression of the student throughout the semester will be taken into consideration with a maximum of 1 point .

Also, and according to this evaluation model, if the student has participated in activities whose relativeweight is more than a 25% of the total grade, he/she will be assessed. In this same context, and according to the rules contained in “Probas de Avaliación eActas de Cualificación de Grao e Mestrado”, the so-called “second opportunityof July” is understood as a second opportunity to carry out a final exam ("prueba mixta"). Nevertheless, and in very special cases, theteacher could also include a second part concerning aspects of the Laboratory Sessions.

This mark will be considered together with the others obtained during the course corresponding tothe other activities (seminars, exercises, scientific events, etc.). The percentages of the different contributions will be the same as those of the former "first opportunity".

The highest grade "Matricula de Honor" will be mainly given to students that pass the subject in the"First Opportunity". And it will only be given in the so-called "second Opportunity" if there are still any available. In the case of very special and exceptional circumstances, adequately justified, the teacher can totally or partially exempts the student from the continuous evaluation process. This student will then have to go through an examination process where he/she will need to clearly proof his/herlevel of knowledge, competence, capabilities and skills.

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