Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Ciencias
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Grao en Bioloxía
Methodologies Description
Introductory activities The first day of the course we will give to each student the program of this Subject, the metodology we will follow, the evaluation criteria, and also a detailled calendar with all activities.
Document analysis We will probide to students the necessary bibliographical data, both for problems, theory and assisted jobs. Thus, they could revise and increase the aspects explained in the classroom. The individual tutorials will help also in those aspects.
Laboratory practice Along the six Laboratory sessions students will work in couples, doing five complete practices. A guide for each practice will be given to teh student, and they will have all necessary material to mount and do them. All time students will be assisted by its teacher to resolve all doubts and help if necessary.
At the end of practice time, each couple will present a memory including the job performed and the obtained results.
Prior to the Laboratory sessions there will be a room session to explain the basis of experimental uncertainties and graphical representations.
Problem solving After the theoretical exposition of each lesson, there will be Seminars (with a reduced number of students) to resolve problems to apply the theory studied. The proposed problems for each lesson will be given to the students before each of those sessions as bulletins. There we will include the numerical solution of each problem, to allow students evaluate themselves after doing them individually. Those bulletins will be of two different types: some of them General (the same for all students of the three groups), and other complementary bulletins specific for each reduced group. Not all problems will be completely resolved in the
Seminars, but only those more difficult.
Objective test There will be two written exams about the theory and numerical problems saw in classroom. The first one at the middle of the course and the second one at the end. The students that pass each of those exams will have that part of the subject passed for the Final exams of June (and Jully).
Guest lecture / keynote speech The basic content of the different parts of the Subject will be explained by the teacher in this sessions, trying to involve students in the learning process. At the end of each session will be in the Moodle the material used that day to facilitate pupils its study.
Supervised projects Voluntarily the students can do complementary work. That will be do in pairs of students and will be focused in applications of Physics to Biology, including notions of electricity, optics and modern physics.
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