Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Ciencias
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Grao en Bioloxía
Methodologies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice The total calification of Laboratory will be the 15 % of the final calification. This will have three different parts:
- A 5% will correspond with the Laboratory note book given to the teacher with the five practices made.
- Other 5% will represent the evaluation of the practice made the sixth day of Laboratory.
- The last 5% will come from the evaluation of a test exam that all students must do with the official exams in June or July.
The attendance to the session previous to Laboratory is mandatory to be evaluated. The laboratory calification will be pass if you obtain a minimum of 0.7 pts (on 1.5 pts).
Problem solving The attendance and participation in the Seminars will represent a 5% of the final calification. 5
Objective test The theoretical exams made along the course will count a 21 % to the final calification, while the problems exam will be a 49 % of that.

The addition of both califications (theory and problems) must be 4/10 points minimum to pass the subject.
Supervised projects The voluntary job calification will count a 10% of the global one. 10
Assessment comments

The NP (non presented) calification will be given to those estudents that do not finish Laboratory and they have not attend to the different tests. In the July opportunity will be saved the califications of Laboratory, Voluntary job and Seminars of problems.

Remember that Laboratory job calification (including if it were less than 0.7/1.5) is mandatory to pass the subject.

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