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Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Variedades do Inglés
Metodoloxías Descrición Cualificación
Presentación oral You will have to do TWO oral PRESENTATIONS: an individual one (10%) and a group one (15%).

--The individual presentation will deal with one of the "theory" article discussed in class. You will have present the article to the class; you may offer a PPS too. Apart from a summary of the article, don't forget to include your doubts, questions, disagreements, and personal opinions in your presentation. Lastly, you will need to email me, either the text of the presentation or the PPS, 24 hours in advance.

--The group presentation will be done between a minimum 2 and maximum 10 people. It will consist of presenting a text--a fragment from a movie or a TV series, an interview, a comic sketch, etc--in an English variety which is considered non-standard. While presenting, students will not be allowed to read from any kind of notes. Besides you will have both to record it yourselves and to upload the video (the details will be provided in class). You will also have to email me the written text of the presentation the same day you are asked to upload it. Finally, you will learn a non-standard English variety while you work together and, hopefully, have some fun
Obradoiro The workshops (or "practical classes") will take place in the computer room. We will read, listen to, and analyze texts in different varieties of English. Most of these texts will be audiovisual. We might also correct assignments from previous days 10
Lecturas In every "theory class," there will be at least one debate about the reading/s of the week. Students' spontaneous participation will be graded independently from the kind of oral participation which shows that you actually did the readings. Hence, spontaneous participation is worth 5% and the reading-derived one 10% of the total of this section (15%)

You are required to do a thorough reading of each assigned text, which might imply that you take some notes while reading. You must come to class ready to ask questions and give your opinion during the class discussion. I will assess most of your readings orally; however, if it were necessary, I can also ask you to take a written test
Traballos tutelados You will have to write TWO individual PAPERS (between 500 and 750 words EACH ONE). Once I have corrected the first one, you will have to rewrite and return it to me again. If you don't submit the rewritten version, I will not give you a grade. The second paper will only be submitted once; however, you will have to take into account the suggestions I gave you the first time. The first paper is worth 20% and the second one 30% of the total of this section (50%). Although the "topics" of the papers are free, the structure must be the following:

-Thesis Statement
-Works Cited

The list of Works Cited will have to include (at least):
-one book chapter,
-one academic article accessed through our electronic database (

The rest of the guidelines will be provided in the first class session and, specially, in the one about "English for academic purposes"
Observacións avaliación

-Together with class attendance (see below), the workshops, readings, papers, and oral presentation are MANDATORY. So that I can work out your final mark, you will need to be graded with at least a 4 in the aforementioned activities

-You are allowed to miss only 4 classes. Missing 5 or more classes will imply failing the course and having to take the oportunidad de julio. Note that I am using a continuous assessment method; this means, you need to continuously attend classes for me to be possible to assess you

-EXTRA: Students are encouraged to give/email me any sort of materials they can find which are related to the contents of the course--e.g. articles, video clips, songs, etc. I will bring the materials to class and share them with the rest of the group. Participating in this way will suppose an extra 10% which will be added to your final grade. The limit of the materials that can be sent to me is three per English variety--e.g. your own review of a class article, a radio interview, and a story; three video clips; etc. This activity is NOT MANDATORY

-In case of workers' strike, if it were necessary, the teacher will provide the students with didactic material through Moodle. In case of students' strike the teacher could ask the students to submit an assignment equivalent to the classwork they would do if they were in class 

-If there are repeat students (repetidores/as), or students who are taking several courses at the same time, they must do as follows: FIRST they must contact me not later than mid October. SECOND, they will have to provide me with a written evidence that they cannot come to my class regularly. THIRD, I will set a few dates in which it will be mandatory to come to and participate in class. FOURTH, I will assign them extra exercises and tasks which they will need to submit according to the dates stated in a calendar that I will create specifically for them. FINALLY, if they fail either to come to the few mandatory classes described above or to submit the assignments on time, they will have to take the oportunidad de julio

-Students must submit the assignments on the agreed-upon dates. Short delays will imply a discount of 25% from the assignment grade. Long delays will need to be officially justified (e.g. with a doctor's note)--otherwise the assignments will not be accepted

-A paper showing traces of plagiarism will be graded with a 0

-There will be no final exams in January. The students taking the oportunidad de julio will be assigned the following: ("lecturas" 15%) critical reviews of the class readings, ("obradoiro" 10%) gathering of materials--e.g. articles, stories, video clips, songs, etc--which are specifically related to the English varieties studied in class, ("traballos tutelados" 50%) two papers, an individual oral presentation (15%), and a oral exam (10%)--this one will take place in my office on the official date. The rest of details will be announced on the Moodle platform

-The students who either do not come to 50% of the classes and/or do not submit 50% of the required assignments will be graded as Non presentados/as. The ones taking the oportunidad de julio who do not sit the July exam will be graded as N.P. as well

-If you registered as a part-time student and were granted with the dispensa académica you must contact me as soon as possible.
Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes