Guía DocenteCurso
Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñeiros de Camiños, Canais e Portos
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Grao en Tecnoloxía da Enxeñaría Civil
  Física aplicada II
Methodologies Description Qualification
Laboratory practice They will evaluate both the attitude of the student in the laboratory and the memory of the practices realized 10
Mixed objective/subjective test Realization of the examinations organized in the general planning of the course. 90
Assessment comments

Since the subject is an alive "element" during the four-month period and imponderables may rise, perhaps it’s necessary to do changes in small aspects. Anyway, it must remain clear that the final mark of the student will be determined fundamentally by the mixed proof (the exam) and the practices of laboratory. However during the four-month period any another work might be ordered.


The basic rules to follow during the realization of the mixed proof are detailed below:


Students only will be able to have instruments of writing, calculator and DNI in the table of the test


Mobile phones must be always disconnected and put away. Students are not allowed to use them even to consult the hour


The sheet of examination will only be turned over when the professor indicates this.


All sheets must be correctly numbered and the student must also sign in the first and in the last one. They are able neither to do the examination with pencil nor to use any type of corrector


Each student will only pay attention to his/her exam. Any attempt to take a look to a mate’s examination will cause the lost of 1,5 points. In case of repetition his/her exam will be removed.


In case of transmission of information amongst students, both of their exams will be removed

The lenght of the examination will be fixed by the professors at its beginning. There will not be extra time, unless they indicate it.


When the student finishes the examination, he/she must leave it turned over on the table and leave  silently. Otherwise, he/she will be punished with the lost of 1,5 points.


The date and hour of the check will be unique. Exceptions will only be dealt if they are previously and very justified.


The professors will call the register before the check. No student will be incorporated afterwards.


Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes