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Mestrado Universitario en Bioloxía Molecular , Celular e Xenética
  Técnicas Celulares
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Bibliografía básica


Basra, A.S. (2000). Plant growth regulators in agriculture and horticulture. Their role and commercial uses. Ed. Food Products Press.

Benítez Burraco, A. (2005). Avances recientes en Biotecnología vegetal e ingeniería genética de plantas. Editorial Reverté.

Boulton, A.A. e col. (1992). Practical cell culture techniques. Humana Press.

Butler, M. (2008). Animal cell culture and technology. Taylor & Francis, 2nd edition.

Collin, H.A. e Edwars, S. (1998). Plant cell culture. Guilford Bios Scientific Publishers.

Davis, J.M. (2011). Animal cell culture. Essential methods. Wiley-Blackwell.

Doyle, A. e Griffiths, J.B. (2000). Cell and tissue culture for medical research. John Wiley and Sons.

Fedoroff, S. e Richardson, A. (1992). Protocols for neural cell culture. Humana Press.

Freshney, R.I. (2010). Culture of animal cells. A manual of basic technique and specialized applications. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 6ª Edition.

Hammond, J., McGarvey, P., Yusibov, V. (1999). Plant Biotechnology. New products and Applications. Springer verlag.

Loyola-Vargas, V.M. e Vázquez-Flota F. (2006). Plant cell culture protocols. Humana Press. 2nd Edition.

Pollard, J.W. e Walker, J.M. (1997). Basic cell culture protocols. Humana Press.

Shaw, A.J. (1996). Epithelial cell culture. A practical approach. Oxford University Press.

Taji, A., Kumar, P., Lakshmanan, P. (2002). In vitro plant breeeding. Food Products Press.

Trigiano, R.N. e Gray, D.J. (2004). Plant development and biotechnology. CRC Press.

Tzfira, T. e Citovsky, V. (2006). Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of plants: biology and biotechnology. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 17:147–154.

Vunjak-Novakovic, G. & Freshney, R.I. (2006). Culture of cells for tissue engineering. Wiley-Liss, Inc.


Watt, Ian M. 1996. The principles and practice of electron microscopy. Cambridge University Press

Hoppert, M. 1998. Electron microscopy in microbiology. Bios Scientific Publishers

Bozzola, John J. 1999.Electron microscopy : principles and techniques for biologists. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Dykstra, Michael J. 2003. Biological electron microscopy theory, techniques, and troubleshooting. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers

Robin Harris. 1991. Electron microscopy in biology a practical approach.  Oxford University Press.

Hunter, Elaine Evelyn. 1984. Practical electron microscopy a beginner's illustrated guide. Praeger, cop.

Slayter, Elizabeth M. 2000.  Light and electron microscopy. Cambridge University Press

Herman, B. 1998. Fluorescence microscopy. Bios Scientific Publishers

Donat-P. Häder. 1992. Image analysis in biology. CRC Press, cop.

Pertusa, JF. Técnicas de Análisis de imagen. Aplicaciones en Biología. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Valencia. 2003


Lloyd, D.  (ed.). Flow cytometry in microbiology. Springer-Verlag. London, 1993.

Shapiro, H.M.Practical flow cytometry. Wiley-Liss. 3a ed. New York, 1995.

Ormerod, M.G. (ed.) Flow Cytometry: A Practical Approach. 2a Ed. IRL Practical Approach series. Oxford University Press, 1990.

Reckermann, M.; Colijn, F. (eds.) Aquatic flow cytometry: achievements and prospects. Institut de Ciències del Mar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Barcelona, 2000.


Czepulkowski, B. (2001) Analyzing chromosomes. BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford.

Gosden, J.R. (1994). Chromosome analysis protocols. Humana Press, Totowa (New Jersey).

Liehr, T. (2006). Multicolor FISH in human cytogenetics. Karger, Basel.

Liehr, T. (2009). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)-application guide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Leitch, A.R., Schwarzacher, T., Jackson, D. (1994). In situ hybridization: a practical guide. Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford.

Verma, R.S. e Babu, A. (1989). Human chromosomes: manual of basic techniques. Pergamon Press, New York.

Bibliografía complementaria

- Artigos científicos sobre temas relacionados coa materia proporcionados a través da plataforma Moodle.

- Páxinas web

PubMed: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez/

Cultivos Celulares

-Cytometry: http:www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/33945

Microscopía e Análise de imaxe

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