Teaching GuideTerm
Faculty of Science
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Licenciado en Química
  Cinética dos Procesos Contaminantes
Metodoloxías Descrición Cualificación
Prácticas de laboratorio The student will develop a small experimental project associated with the topic of the subject. Then, he/she should prepare a brief report in the typical style of technical and / or scientific reports, including at least, an abstract, keyworkds, introduction, materials and equipment and procedures, results and discussion, conclussion and references. The evaluation will take into account the different steps involved: preparation of the experiment(s), development, understanding, analysis, ability to communicate the results, report, etc. 25
Solución de problemas Each set of problems /questions will contain some to be solved at home and handed out in a fixed amount of time to the lecturer. This may include some case studies.
Once this has been done, a representative amount of the rest will be solved at the class.
The evaluation will take into account the ability to analyze the different situations, propose and discuss different potential solutions and the level of comprehension of the concepts involved.
Prácticas a través de TIC The students will be assigned a topic to develop and introduce in the Wikipedia, or a similar tool, so that the result produced by the student is globally accesible. Thus, the student will lear how to work with TICs, using the appropriate tools for this task.
The evaluation will take into account the way the concepts are presented, their accesibility, clarity, accuracy and concretion.
Proba obxectiva Each student will have to face a conceptual examination, where he/she should show the ability to face and solve problems and or brief questions independently in a fixed allocated time. The evaluation will take into account the quality of the results obtained within the given time. 50
Presentación oral The students will have to present orally, and share with their peers, the result of their experimental project developed at the lab.
The evaluation will take into account the capacity to communicate own results, clarity, quality, accuracy, etc.
Observacións avaliación

* A positive assesment of the experimental part (practical lessons) of the subject is compulsory to pass the subject.

* In order to pass the subject, the student should obtain, both in the examination and in the rest of activities, a mark not lower than 4.0, and get, once the qualifications for all the activities are added, a mark not lower than 5.0.

* Upon agreement between the student and the lecturers, the qualifications for the laboratory lessons, seminars and tutorials could be kept for the examination in September. Under this assumption, the qualification of the examination in September would only replace that obtained in the corresponding examination in February. As for extraordinary examinations, this is not necessarily of application, since the subject is taught in the first semester, so all possible activities, and specially the laboratory lessons should be attended.

* The get the qualification of "not presented" ("non presentado"), the students should not have participated in more than 25% of the programmed assesed activities. In other case the above describe procedure would be applied.

* As for succesive academic terms, the process of teaching - learning, including the assesment, refers to an academic year. Hence, the whole assesment would start over againg with every new academic term, including all the assesed activities that are programmed for the new term.

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