Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Ciencias
  Inicio | galego | castellano | english | A A |  
Mestrado Universitario en Biotecnoloxía Avanzada
  Prevención, xestión e auditorías ambientales
Topic Sub-topic
1. Environmental Impact Assessment 1.1. Basic rule for environmental evaluation
1. 2 Basic Procedures for environmental evaluation
1. 3 Scope of the documents and environmental studies. Objective and procedures.
1.4. Practical cases
2. Environmental audits and management 2. Environmental management systems. Rule ISO 14000. EMAS Regulation.
3. Analysis of the life cycle (LCA) and Ecological footprint (EF) 3.1. Sustainability. Methodologies of environmental evaluation. Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and Ecological Footprint (EF). Introduction. Definitions. Applicability. Methodologies of calculation.
3.2. ISO 14040 Methodology for LCA. Definition of objectives and range of the study. Compilation and analysis of inventory. Impact evaluation. Interpretation. Methods of impact evaluation. CML Method (midpoint method). The Ecoindicador 99 (endpoint method). The Carbon Footprint (CF).
3.3. Methodology of Ecological Footprint.
3.4. Example of application. Software for LCA.
4. Waste Management 4.1. Inventories and ranking of waste. Characterization. Planning.
4.2. Introduction to clean technologies. Plan of minimization. Minimization oriented audit. Examples.
4.3. Waste reuse and recycling. Separated collected and classification for recycling.
5. Integrated water management 5.1. The traditional urban cycle of water use. Concepts of water management.
5.2. Water Frame Directive. New principles and his application. Water management planning.
5.3. Urban uses and resource sustainability strategies: grey waters, wastewater reuse, rain water uses.
5.4. Strategies “Low Water sensitive urban design” and “Low impact development”.
5.5. Strategies for the control of discharges. Directive 91/271 for urban wastewater. Municipal rules. Galician water taxes.
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