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Facultad de Ciencias
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Mestrado Universitario en Ciencias. Tecnoloxías e Xestión Ambiental (plan 2012)
  Calidade do Solo
Topic Sub-topic
1 - Soil composition. Mineral and organic fractions: reactivity and interactions. Texture, structure and related properties. Cation exchange and soil reaction. Microorganisms.
2 - Soil functions. Capacity for self-purification
3 - Soil quality. Quality indicators. Risk assessment.
4 - Punctual and diffuse contamination. Degradation of soil structure. Water erosion. Erosion as a source of diffuse pollution.
5 - Impact of metals on soil functioning. Interaction between trace elements and soil composition. Cycle of trace elements in the soil.
6 - Contaminants from agricultural, urban and industrial origin. Retention and mobility of contaminants in the soil. Persistence. Assessment of contamination risk.
7 - Investigation and treatment of contaminated soils. Recovery. Environmental control.
8 - Methods for decontamination of soils. Mechanical, chemical and biological methods.
9 - Phytoremediation of soils. Perspectives and applications.
10 - Soil as nonrenewable resource. Strategies against pollution of soils. Legislation and plans on contaminated soils.
11 - Introduction to groundwater. Sources of pollution. Behavior and mobility of contaminants in the saturated zone.

The common thread of these issues is the relationship between soil functions and quality indicators

- Soil sampling, observation profiles, phenomena of degradation
- Determination of physico-chemical indicators of soil quality
- Determination of biological indicators of soil quality
- Case study of contaminated soils.
- Soil and water pollution
Most common soil profiles in the region
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