Guía DocenteCurso
Facultade de Filoloxía
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Grao en Inglés: Estudos Lingüísticos e Literarios
  Lingua Inglesa 2
Methodologies Description Qualification
Seminar Two in-class listening comprehension tests will assess the listening competences developed by students in the course seminars (15% of the final score).

Attendance and active participation in all sections could add up to a 5% to the final score.

Supervised projects The assessment of the project (10% of the final grade) will be based on the written part, the oral presentation and the group work during the semester. 10
Objective test Students will have to take two objective tests (Use of English) during the semester. These tests will assess students' class work. (30%). If students do not obtain a 5, they will have to retake the Use of English final test in June. 30
Speaking test All students will take an oral exam at the end of the semester or during the assessment period, In that test, he/she will have to prove his/her communicative competence in English.

If a student obtains at least a 6 out of 10 in the continual assessment in class, he/she will not have to take the final speaking test.
Student portfolio Students will have to write at least three writing tasks during the semester. Professors will pay particular attention not only to the linguistic quality of these compositions, but also to their originality, creativity, transversality, and personal involvement. 15
Workbook One or two short stories in English will be provided for students to read. Students will have to write short written answers about these readings (5%).

Also, in the last few weeks of the semester there will be an in-class test. In this exam, students will be expected to write short answers about a text that will be provided by the professors during the exam (10%)
Assessment comments


In order to pass this course, a minimum of 5 out of 10 in the final mark is required. A score of 4 out of 10
is the minimum required in each of the parts of the course
(reading/listening/speaking/writing/Use of English). Those students who get
more than 5 in the two Use of English tests which will be done throughout the
course will not have to sit for the official exam in January.

Active participation in the different class activities, as well as all
the extra-credit material carried out by the students during the course, could
be awarded up to  an extra 5% of the
final mark. This can include voluntary work, alternative readings or any other
activity proposed and accepted by students and teachers.

Deadlines for assignments are strict. Late arrivals will be penalised
(25% off final mark), unless they are duly justified. Pieces of work including
plagiarized material will be marked with 0.

The students who do not attend the official exam will be given a grade
of NP (absent) if they have not handed in more than 50% of the continuous
assessement activities.

July opportunity: Those students who are absent from or fail the official examination
session or those with less than a 4 in each of the parts (even if the average
is superior to 5) will have to sit for the "second opportunity exam
session" in July, where students can retake those parts they have failed.
Details for the second opportunity requirements will be posted on Moodle before
the exam period begins.

Students who are officially registered as part time, and have been
granted permission not to attend classes, as stipulated in the regulations of
this University, will be assessed in either of the opportunities according to
the same criteria specified for the second opportunity. 

ADI is a university office specialised in attending to members of the
university with special needs due to discapacity or other differentiating
situations with regard to the rest of the community. Students can talk to Dr.
Ana Veleiro for more information, or contact ADI directly at, or by phone ext. 5622, or via email:

Universidade da Coruña - Rúa Maestranza 9, 15001 A Coruña - Tel. +34 981 16 70 00  Soporte Guías Docentes